I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 523 How could this happen!

Chapter 523 How could this happen! (3)

"You are crazy! How can you have such an idea!"

Su Qiao exclaimed.

Young Master Yu didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "Why not! Anyway, I never expected to have children with you!"

"Then why do you still say you want to have many, many children with me! You...you..."

Su Qiao felt a little sweetness in her throat.

Long Jiuzhong saw that she looked wrong, and hurriedly said to Young Master Yu: "Go out first and let the doctor come in! She just had a miscarriage, so she can't be stimulated!"


Su Qiao's lips trembled again.

She finally understood where the feeling of losing something when she woke up came from!

"...I had a miscarriage! Is it... Gong Yueming's child?"

"Yes," Long Jiuzhong said, "I was pregnant a month ago. The doctor said that you have irregular diet, low body fat, and obvious irregular menstruation, that's why you didn't feel pregnant for more than a month."

"It's true that I have had irregular menstruation for two consecutive months," Su Qiao said, "but he didn't say—"

"The key to pregnancy is the quality of the tadpoles, not the quantity. As long as the tadpoles are active enough, a woman will become pregnant," Long Jiuzhong said, "It's only your fault that you don't have the fate of mother and child! The matter is over, so don't think about it anymore, take care of your body ,begin a new life!"


"There will be another child," Long Jiuzhong said, "Ah Yu and you are related by blood, so there can be no children between you, but I need an heir. I talked to Ah Yu about it, and he said he didn't mind You have children with someone else, as long as that person is someone you like and makes you happy."

"Can't Gong Yueming?"

Su Qiao tentatively asked Long Jiuchong, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed overnight, and the three views were destroyed, she had some indigestion.

"No!" Long Jiuzhong said, "All the men in the world are dead, and you can't choose him either!"


Su Qiao didn't understand Long Jiuzhong's persistence.

Long Jiuzhong said: "He hurt you! How can I let a man who hurt you get close to you again! It's impossible to turn back time!"

"But Young Master Yu also hurt me! Why did you allow him to be with me!"

Su Qiao was a little excited.

Long Jiuzhong hugged her shoulders and said, "He is my younger brother, not Gong Yueming! Besides, the person Ah Yu hurt was Su Qiao, not you! Take ten thousand steps back, you are really Su Qiao's rebirth, ah! Yu has already repented and promised that he will never hurt you in the future, right?"

"Do not--"

Su Qiao was speechless.

She turned her head and said, "I want to be alone, is that okay?"

"Sorry, I forgot you just had a miscarriage."

Long Jiuzhong said in a low voice, covered Su Qiao with a quilt, and left the ward.

Su Qiao nestled under the quilt, curled up, tears streaming down her face!

...Actually...again...again and again I lost the qualifications to be a mother...Is this my fate?

Interlacing her ten fingers and placing them on her flat stomach, Su Qiao's heart couldn't stop trembling.

Under this flat, there once lived a little life, but now it has disappeared.

Its father does not want it, its mother neglects it, and has no strength to keep it...

"...You signed the divorce agreement because I am an incompetent woman who can't even keep a child? Or is it that Gongzi Yu and Long Jiuzhong gave you enough ransom to finally let you go...Gong Yueming, are you this one?" The most heartless bastard in the world... I... will never forgive you!"

(End of this chapter)

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