I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 524 How could this happen

Chapter 524 How could this happen (4)

In the next few days, Su Qiao was absolutely protected.

Long Jiuzhong protected her, and Gongzi Yu also protected her. They all tolerated her without a bottom line, and were willing to agree to all conditions except the Gong family.

Su Qiao leaned against the pillow, feeling like she had a long dream.

Ximen also came to the door again, seeing his laughing expression, Su Qiao couldn't help but feel angry for no reason.

"Did you already know!" she said, "Know that I am actually..."

"The power of the dragon group is much greater than you imagine," Ximen said. "I have always wanted to have a relationship with the dragon group, but I never thought that my wish would finally come true in this way."

"What kind of organization is the dragon group?" Su Qiao asked. Long Jiuzhong just told her that the dragon group was very strong, but never said how strong the dragon group was, when and where it originated.

"The Dragon Group is a large-scale organization that spreads all over the world," Ximen said. "The origin of the Dragon Group is war. Because of the war, they had to leave their hometowns and came to foreign countries. They found that although there was no war abroad, there was discrimination no less than war. In order to protect themselves For the interests of the dragon, they united and finally formed the dragon group. The reason why they live in the dragon is because they are the descendants of the dragon."

"It turned out to be..."

"There is an unwritten rule in the Dragon Group. The top executives of the organization must change their surname to Long, and have dragon tattoos on their bodies. They often wear dragon elements in their clothes," Ximen said. "There are several rules in the Dragon Group. First, First, do not persecute the same race, second, do not sell drugs to the same race, and third, do not create turmoil on the territory of the motherland."

"Because he is a descendant of the dragon?"

"Because the origin of the Dragon Group is protection, not crime. Although it is a criminal organization in essence, everyone in the group must be the descendant of the dragon." Ximen said, "It is similar in nature to the Irish Gang and the Eastern European Gang, but compared to them. In principle, the scale is much larger than them.”

"Then why did Gongzi Yu's elder brother become a member of the dragon group? And it's still—"

What Su Qiao couldn't figure out was this.

She knew that Gongzi Yu's lay surname was Long, and she also knew that he had brothers and sisters of the same father and mother.It's just that she never thought that his brothers and sisters were actually——

According to regulations, the reincarnated golden body can only be found within the territory of country A.

"The answer to this question—"

Simon hesitated.

At this moment, Long Jiuzhong walked in and said, "Let me tell you."

Sitting beside Su Qiao's bed, he said: "The origin of the incident was 30 years ago. Ah Yu, who was before [-] years ago, was considered a reincarnated golden body through multiple selections. For believers, this is a supreme honor, but For the Long family, it is the pain of separation. Although the temple promised us that until Ah Yu turns ten years old, we will be reunited for one month every year."

"I can understand that feeling." Su Qiao said, "The most important relative is taken away, and you still won't let me cry..."

"I don't like this kind of life, but I can't change the reality, so I decided to be a big man. I used the money given to us by the temple to find the dragon group across the ocean. I told them that in order to get my brother back, I asked them to let me Become stronger."

"What is the attitude of the people in the dragon group?"

"It's funny, but I also recognize me," Long Jiuzhong said, "After that, I started a double life. My status in the dragon group became higher and higher, and Ah Yu's weight in the temple became more and more important. Then one day, I found that as long as I become the dragon head of the dragon group, I can see Ah Yu whenever I want."

(End of this chapter)

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