I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 549 Intentional Murder

Chapter 549 Intentional Murder (2)

After waiting for about half an hour, both cars finally opened.

Su Qiao got out of the car with the help of her assistant, and Yang Mengying also got out of the car surrounded by security guards.

The reporters couldn't wait to step forward to ask questions, but before the microphone reached Yang Mengying's mouth, they were frightened by the woman's eyes.

"Mo Qiaoqiao, do you think you can really beat me!" She said mockingly, "This time it's just your luck! Next time you may not have such good luck!"

"My luck... sorry, my luck has always been better than yours!"

Su Qiao stared back at Yang Mengying, and said, "I would like to advise you, if you do too much unrighteousness, you will kill yourself. For things like Gumantong ghost cards, please ask an eminent monk to save you as soon as possible! To avoid harming others and yourself, you will end up being neither a human nor a ghost!"

"Really! Who raised Gumantong!"

Yang Mengying asked Su Qiao back: "If you didn't raise Gumantong yourself in exchange for success, how would you know that I raised a kid! Stop pretending to be a white lotus, don't be Qiaoqiao!"

The informative dialogue between the two actresses made the reporters excited like chicken blood. Before they finished their dialogue, they rushed forward and asked for information about "Gumantong and the imp".

Su Qiao sneered and didn't answer.

Yang Mengying smiled coldly and said, "If she didn't raise a kid, why would she be hospitalized suddenly a while ago? I heard the reason was miscarriage! Hahaha!"

When Cheng Luo heard this, she was so angry that she wanted to leave the crowd and slap her twice.

But Su Qiao stopped her, she said: "You dare to believe the words of addicts!"

"Yang Mengying - Suck! Poison!"

Even more explosive gossip came out, and the reporters were as excited as if it was Chinese New Year!

Su Qiao glanced at Yang Mengying, who was furious, and said, "If you didn't take drugs, why did you suddenly hit me with your car? Again and again?"

"Yes yes yes!"

The reporters echoed.

Yang Mengying was so angry that her eyes turned blue, but she couldn't refute!

Surveillance video recorded the whole process of her driving into someone. If she denied taking drugs, it would be tantamount to admitting that she intentionally killed someone!
"You are ruthless! You are ruthless!"

Yang Mengying gritted her teeth viciously at Su Qiao, and then left.

With the assistance of Ximen and Cheng Luo, Su Qiao dispersed the crowd and entered the building.


In the elevator room, Cheng Luo asked Su Qiao: "Does Yang Mengying really raise a kid?"

Su Qiao said: "If you believe in something that is not scientific, there is it, but if you don't believe it, it doesn't exist."

"But I know she hasn't taken drugs," Cheng Luo said, "She doesn't look like she has."

"But her heart has been poisoned for a long time," Su Qiao said, "She wants to be famous too much, and she wants to get ahead too much. A person with this personality cannot resist any temptation!"

"So you set her up, either by admitting to intentional murder, or by admitting—"

"Yes," Su Qiao said, "no matter what it is, it can completely ruin her acting career! But this is also her own fault. If she hadn't raised the little devil, and hadn't driven the little devil to grab resources for herself, she wouldn't be where she is today. Backlash!"

"Indeed, everything is self-inflicted," Cheng Luo said, "Speaking of which, women in the entertainment industry are really dark!"

Ximen said with a smile: "People who are not dark either die without a place to die, or they will never get out."

Su Qiao said: "If I remember correctly, Gong Yueming and I have already divorced, why are you still working in Qiaojiaren?"

Cheng Luo smiled and said, "The chief gave you all his shares in Qiaojiaren as divorce compensation, but I represent the investment funds from the military department!"

(End of this chapter)

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