I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 550 Intentional Murder

Chapter 550 Intentional Murder (3)

"It turns out that Pretty Woman's holdings are so complicated."

Su Qiao was thoughtful.

Cheng Luo said: "Otherwise, how do you think it managed to rise in just a few months and become the number one behemoth in the industry?"

Su Qiao was silent.

Simon said: "I knew that Pretty Woman's background is so deep and rich, I...but it's not too late now!"

"What kind of national calamity do you want to make!"

Su Qiao teases Ximen.

Simon said: "It's not about the wealth of the country, it's about using the tiger's skin to pull the banner."

At this time, the elevator reached the destination floor, and the three walked out together.


When it happened in the underground garage, both He Zai and Yi Xi knew about it.

Seeing that Su Qiao was fine, they were all relieved: "Are you sure she's okay? No scratches or internal bleeding?"

Su Qiao said: "You are dead as Ximen's manager! I must have made a slight mistake. He must have sent a lawyer's letter to Yang Mengying and the Huanmu company behind her by now!"

"It's better to go to the hospital for an examination. What if something happens?"

The two men said in unison, Ximen touched his chin and said, "Go to the hospital after get off work! It's always good to have a checkup."

Su Qiao had no choice but to nod.

Then everyone sat down together to discuss the revision of the script of "The Portrait of Snow White".

Halfway through, Cheng Luo left the meeting room with the excuse of something to do.


Leaving the meeting room, Cheng Luo immediately found a hidden corner and connected the phone: "Chief—"

"Is she okay!" the man said coldly, but his cold tone couldn't conceal his worry.

Cheng Luo said, "Madam is fine—"

"It's the ex-wife," Gong Yueming corrected abruptly, "We're already divorced, and her life has nothing to do with me!"

"Then why are you still calling—"

"I just want to make sure that she is still alive! After all, she used to be my woman. If she dies for no apparent reason, my face will be affected!"

The man spoke not frankly, desperately trying to find excuses for his concern.

"I understand," Cheng Luo said helplessly, "The ex-wife is in a meeting now, and she doesn't seem to be frightened or traumatized. I made an agreement with Ximen that after the meeting is over, I will send her to the hospital for a physical examination to make sure everything is safe. As for Yang Mengying, who hit her with a car, no matter what happened to the wife, we will send a lawyer letter to Universal, asking them to take responsibility for the accident!"

"It's really time to show Huanmu some color," Gong Yueming said, "How dare you mess with my woman on my territory, Huanmu is too much!"

"what do you mean--"

"I heard that Universal has released several cutout dramas recently, and their reputation in the industry is very bad! Then let's dig deeper into it!"

Gong Yueming's voice became cold.


Cheng Luo gave a military salute and cut off the phone.

When she turned around, she saw Long Nan standing behind her, she couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, and said, "What is it!"

"When you're on the phone with him," Long Nan said, "don't worry, I won't tell the boss about it. She finally decided to break up with Gong Yueming, how can I let her know that that man Not as heartless as she thought!"

"Thank you."

Cheng Luo said dryly, she didn't know why she said thank you.

Long Nan said: "Ou Qianjiao and the Jiang family behind her, can you entrust the head of your family to help investigate? This group of people is full of hatred for the boss, if you leave it alone... something will happen!"

(End of this chapter)

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