Chapter 554
During the whole afternoon, they kept reshooting and reshooting. Even the staff felt that Director Wang was a little too demanding this time.

"Director Wang, her performance is perfect enough! Just—"

"No! No! It's not enough! She's not where I want her to be!"

Wang Jiaquan said stubbornly, his eyes were like an idiot looking at his favorite goddess.

Su Qiao had no choice but to run up the stairs again after a short rest.

Wang Jiaquan looked at her madly in the camera, and said: "A little bit to the left, yes! Yes, yes, a little bit to the right! No! Do it again!"

Su Qiao had no choice but to start over with her skirt in hand.

This was a speechless chore. Her performance had already met the requirements for filming, but because of the director's madness, she had to rearrange again and again. It was not until after nine o'clock in the evening that the filming barely ended.

And the reason for the end was not that Wang Jiaquan was finally satisfied, but because he finally remembered that Su Qiao was still in the hospital for needles a few days ago, so she couldn't be overworked.

Su Qiao, who was finally able to call it a day, was so tired that she kicked off her high heels one by one, sat on a chair, and watched the staff walking around to clean up the set.

Wang Jiaquan took the video and watched it repeatedly, and suddenly——

"Stop it all! Stop it! I'm going to do it all over again!"


Not only Su Qiao exclaimed, but all the staff showed "please forgive me" expressions.

However, the Wang family is a well-known studio tyrant, and no one is allowed to disobey his orders.

Su Qiao took a deep breath, stood up with her waist supported, and with the help of the staff, she was about to put on the high heels to do it again. At this time, Wang Jiaquan said again: "No shoes are allowed! This time I will shoot a version without shoes !"

"Not wearing shoes...isn't that..."

"Yes, when you run up the stairs, lift up your skirt to reveal your full feet. I want to take a close-up of your feet!"

Wang Jiaquan's request was helpless, but he had to obey it.

Su Qiao could only walk to the station with her skirt in her hand, and looked at the staff.


After the sound, Su Qiao lifted her skirt and began to run up the stairs.

I don’t know why, it’s obviously a movement that has been repeated countless times, but when she habitually walked on the stairs half-tiptoed and barefoot, she felt a touch of coldness mixed with a touch of pain, and a strange and familiar feeling rubbed her whole body. , the body seems to be controlled by another force, light and heavy!
Is this the critical feeling!
Su Qiao firmly grasped the subtle feeling, and completed the shooting task meticulously according to the inertia, because the whole process was shot in a critical state, when the director shouted "click", she didn't even know what she just did , it was only when everything was over that he walked down the stairs with his skirt in his hands and said, "Just now..."

Before the words were finished, Wang Jiaquan couldn't help hugging her happily, and shouted: "I knew you could do it! You can do it!"

"What happened to me just now? What did I do?"

Su Qiao looked at Wang Jiaquan blankly.

Wang Jiaquan supported her shoulders with both hands, and said: "The situation just now is difficult to explain in words. Anyway, after you see the samples, you will know how good you are! What a successful video you have completed!"

He hugged Su Qiao, crying and laughing, and kept shouting: "You are my angel! You are my muse! You are my goddess..."

Su Qiao looked at the others for help.

However, the staff all pretended to pack up the equipment and deliberately avoided her sight.Even Ximen and Long Nan chose to pretend not to see it.

They're all heartless bastards!
Su Qiao thought resentfully, and struggled harder.

(End of this chapter)

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