I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 555 You Think About Him

Chapter 555 You Think About Him

The next day, Su Qiao walked into the filming set of A Gentleman's Life with dark circles under her eyes, but she saw an unexpected face.

"How will you be here!"

she exclaimed.

He Sheng said in a good voice: "My taste does not allow me to shoot such rubbish things, but who asked them to give me so much money!"

"But isn't your studio sponsored by Song Rong'er? Why do you still take jobs you don't want to take? Could it be that she is stingy?"

He Sheng's face turned black, and he said, "How is it possible! I... how could I be... you, why are you so nagging! Hurry up and go backstage to try on clothes!"


The filming was completed quickly, and Su Qiao walked up to He Sheng with her shoes in hand, and said, "Can you show me a sample?"


"No?" Su Qiao said, "I can't even look at my own photos?"

"Yes! No!"

Su Qiao looked at him suspiciously and said, "What are you going to do with these photos?"

"No no……"

He Sheng's attitude wavered.

Su Qiao frowned, and said, "It's hard not to let me have bad associations for you to avoid me so repeatedly!"


He Sheng hesitated.

Su Qiao took the opportunity to snatch the camera and flip through the shooting records.

"This this……"

Under He Sheng's camera, his whole body exudes the light of love, and even the sexiness has become a hint of love.

"Why is this happening! You... are not... are not..."

"you caught me!"

He Sheng looked frustrated, and he said: "You guessed it right, I didn't accept this shoot because the gentleman paid a good price for his life, but because the object they want to shoot is you..."

Su Qiao said, "It's me... Could it be you..."

He Sheng smiled wryly, and said: "Cameras can't lie. I...I...I thought the person I liked was Su Qiao, but I...I...so I can't show you my camera, I'm afraid I'm afraid of being seen through by you..."

"When did this start?" Su Qiao asked, "Since when did you treat me..."

"I don't know, by the time I realized it... So when Song Rong'er asked me to leave Qiao Jiaren with Su Qiao's name, I agreed, I... I thought working under Su Qiao would be fine...but...but... …I……"

He Sheng hugged his head in pain.

He is a top-notch photographer. His shots are not only beautiful, but also full of the photographer's emotions, likes, dislikes, admiration, admiration... all can be displayed at a glance.

"Cameras don't lie," he said, "I may really be in love with you!"

"Then you can come back," Su Qiao said to He Sheng, "Come back to pretty girl, don't be petty."

"This is not petty temper, this is my dignity!"

Su Qiao had no choice but to bless her, saying, "Everyone has his own ambition, I don't force it, but Qiao Jiaren's door is always open for you."

"I won't look back." He Sheng said, "I've already betrayed Su Qiao, and I can't betray her a second time. It's getting late, we should call it a day and go back."

Su Qiao nodded and called her assistant to come over and help her remove makeup and change clothes.


Suddenly discovering that He Sheng actually loved her, Su Qiao was shocked.

She said to Ximen: "Should I tell He Sheng that I am actually Su Qiao?!"

"What's the use of saying it? Could it be that Gong Yueming will turn back just because you are Su Qiao?" Ximen said harshly, "What he wants is Young Master Yu, not you."

"What I'm telling you is He Sheng, not Gong Yueming!"

"But what you're thinking about is Gong Yueming," Ximen said, "stop deceiving yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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