I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 556 It's all about acting

Chapter 556 It's all about acting
Simon continued: "The most frightening thing is that you know that this man has no feelings for you, yet you foolishly keep thinking about it."

"Yes, what Gong Yueming loves most is power. The so-called 'I love Su Qiao' is just an excuse for him to use unscrupulous means. If a person really loves another person to the bone, he can be desperate. But he No, he was overwhelmingly rational from beginning to end."

"Yeah," Ximen said to Su Qiao, "he doesn't love you, but you start...he is gradually becoming your weakness."

"...What do you mean! You...you said...I...love him?!"

Su Qiao was terrified by Ximen's words.

Simon said, "Yes, I do see love for him in your eyes."

"...Don't be kidding!" Su Qiao said, "I have no love for him, only acting skills! Acting skills force me to act like I love him, but in fact I don't love him at all."

"Acting skills?"

Su Qiao nodded with certainty, and said: "Before I discovered his intentions, in order not to be discovered by Mr. Yu, I always tried my best to show that I loved him, as if I couldn't do without a man's dodder flower. He shouts and drinks, and occasionally throws the little woman's temper. In fact, I treat him... just like every female star treats the gold master, with sex, affection and acting skills...but I have no heart..."

"Really? Are you sure you have no heart from the beginning to the end? Then why did your eyes flicker when you mentioned him..."

Ximen obviously didn't believe Su Qiao.

Su Qiao then said: "After acting for a long time, I will even be deceived by myself, thinking that I really loved...Actually...it's all about acting! I don't have any love for him, at least less than he loves me!"

"Do you mind if I record this passage and send it to Gong Yueming?"

Simon asked a very challenging question.

Su Qiao was startled when she heard this, and then said, "I don't mind!"

So, Ximen tapped to send——


("After acting for a long time, I will even be deceived by myself, thinking that I really loved...in fact...it's all acting skills! I don't have any love for him, at least less than he loves me!")
(“Do you mind if I record this passage and send it to Gong Yueming?”)
("do not mind!")
Simple and casual dialogue, but let the people who heard it burst into sky-high anger!

Gong Yueming directly threw the mobile phone into the fish tank, and said to the adjutant: "I really treat her too well!"

"But chief, madam to you—"


Gong Yueming corrected impatiently.

The adjutant hurriedly changed his words and said: "The ex-wife really loved you, otherwise she wouldn't talk about acting... When women encounter feelings that they don't want to admit, they always use the word acting..."

"No, she is really acting, not an excuse!"

Gong Yueming stood up, ready to leave.

The adjutant chased after him: "Sir, the director of the Institute of Modern Physics will arrive in 10 minutes..."

"Must I receive it!"

Gong Yueming sneered and walked out.

The adjutant was helpless.


The air isn't flowing right.

Su Qiao, who noticed the problem, asked the driver to make an emergency stop. After all the people in the car got off, she said to the driver: "Change the car to automatic driving mode, don't get in."

"But... in case something happens, the car is very expensive..."

The driver didn't understand Su Qiao's decision.

Su Qiao said, "No matter how expensive a car is, it's more expensive than human life! Do as I say, immediately! Immediately!"

The driver had no choice but to adjust the car to automatic driving mode reluctantly, and then got out of the car.

The car drove forward steadily, and the driver showed a puzzled expression.


Boom boom boom!
After the loud noise, the car turned into a ball of fire and rolled off the road!

(End of this chapter)

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