Chapter 557 Run Now! (1)


Everyone was stunned.

Most of them are engaged in performing arts, and they have been exposed to blasting scenes many times in the crew, but when they actually encountered real-life blasting, they realized that the blasting fire can be so loud, the sound is so loud, and the destructive power is so terrifying.

The blazing heat hit the face, and the car turned into a fireball rolled all the way, causing wildfires.

Su Qiao hugged her arms tightly and said, "They really hate me..."

Simon said, "Fortunately, you have a good intuition, and escaped another disaster."

Su Qiao shook her head and said, "It's not because I have a good intuition, but since you sent the recording of our conversation to Gong Yueming, my eyelids have been twitching non-stop, and I always feel that something will happen soon."

"So it's still my fault?"

Simon looked embarrassed.

Su Qiao said: "Anyway, at least we are still alive. But how can we..."

She looked at her phone, the battery was low and the signal was missing!

"Broken place!" she complained.

Ximen also dug out his mobile phone and other communication and positioning tools, but the result was also desperate.They are trapped in this broken place, unable to contact the outside world, and unable to locate themselves.

"What should I do?" the assistant asked Su Qiao and Ximen cautiously.

Su Qiao glanced at Ximen and said, "You're a former Navy SEAL..."

"But that doesn't mean that I have the ability to lead you to fight a way through the primitive deep forest!"

Simon tried to push the pot.

Su Qiao said, "Is this a primeval forest?"

Ximen laughed dryly and said, "The steel forest is also a forest."

"Strong words make sense!"

Su Qiao looked at the trees on the side of the road and said, "Let's rely on raising your spirits first. If the other party can plant an explosive device in this place to ambush us, there will definitely be follow-up measures."

Simon's expression became serious.

"You're right," he said. "It's quite possible that they..."

Before he finished speaking, a sound similar to an armored vehicle sounded beside his ears.

Su Qiao looked dry and said, "You really are a crow's mouth."

Simon said, "Obviously you mentioned this matter first!"

"Is now the time to pass the buck?"

Su Qiao gave Ximen a white look.

As soon as he spoke, the car had already entered the field of vision.

"This time, I'm afraid it's doomed." She said dejectedly. The other party was so determined to kill her that they sent more than a dozen professional killers in full armor, with camouflage on their faces and all battlefield equipment. They were simply— —

"If there is a next life, I want to never see you again!" Ximen complained, "You are simply a troublemaker!"

He said so, but his actual action was to snatch Su Qiao's high-heeled shoes, break off the heels one by one with each hand, then take off his coat, and throw the heavy backpack that contained so many things to her!

"what do you mean!"

Su Qiao looked at Ximen.

Simon said, "Do you want to die again? It's cold in the woods at night, and it's better to wear my clothes! There are water and dry food, a compass, and a mobile generator in the bag. As long as you can live until dawn, with a little luck, It'll be fine soon."

"how about you!"

The assistant asked Simon.

Simon looked at the killers who were jumping out of the car, and said, "I want to fulfill my obligations as a man."


"But what is it! I'm a man, and at most I can die alone! But you are different! If you don't want life to be worse than death—run immediately!"

"Yes Yes!"

The assistant ran away, and Su Qiao also thanked her with eyes, and ran into the depths of the forest wearing high-heeled shoes with broken heels.

Simon smiled and said to the killers approaching every step of the way: "Hello, guys!"

(guys means guys, it is used in informal occasions, and it is insulting to strangers)

(End of this chapter)

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