Chapter 558 Run Now! (2)

Su Qiao walked through the woods, and there was a sharp gunshot behind her.

The assistant had never seen such a scene, and his legs were weak from fright, and he kept saying, "I'm going to die! I'm going to die! Mom! I'm going to die here!"

"If you keep talking, I will really let you die here!"

Su Qiao turned her head and gave her a hard look.

The most disgusting thing when you are running for your life is this kind of oil bottle!
The assistant was frightened by Su Qiao's eyes, and hurriedly said, "I...I just...I just..."

"Don't be a drag bottle!" Su Qiao said, "Even if people die in this kind of place, no one will know about it!"

"Yes Yes!"

The assistant struggled to stand up and followed Su Qiao deeper into the woods, but as she was walking, she suddenly stopped again.

Su Qiao didn't understand, so she stopped and asked her, "What's going on?"

The assistant threw the things on the ground and said, "The person they are looking for is you, so I will follow wherever I go!"

"what do you mean--"

"I'm just an employee on your salary, so I don't want to die for you!"

The assistant began to take off his shoes, with a look of "don't pull me if you die".

Seeing that she was determined, Su Qiao didn't want to say anything. She took the things in her hand and said, "Okay, I'm leaving! If you are saved, remember to explain the situation to them!"

She doesn't expect her assistant to save her life. In this world where even your blood-related sister may betray you, no one can be trusted!

Seeing that Su Qiao didn't drag her to die with her, the assistant became more cheerful and said, "No problem! Let's go!"

Su Qiao silently picked up the two luggage and walked deep into the woods with the saber in hand.

The assistant who thought he had escaped from the sky stayed where he was, humming a cheerful little song.


Soon it was completely dark.

Su Qiao stood in front of the beast path, breathing heavily.

The woods at night are the world of beasts, she must find a relatively secluded place to start a fire as soon as possible, and survive this may be the longest night in her life!

It just rained in the woods the day before yesterday, the grass blades were wet, and the wood was so wet that water could be squeezed out. Su Qiao looked around and found no dry land or caves, but something vaguely approaching in the grass.

Two green dots rose from the darkness, it was——

Su Qiao, who was frightened by her own association and fell to the ground, instinctively grabbed the luggage that Ximen had left for her, and rummaged frantically, looking for guns, bullets, machetes, and sticks!

Fortunately, Ximen was kind to her. At the bottom of the luggage, there was actually a gun hidden with two bullets in it.

Su Qiao hugged the gun with only two bullets as if she had found a treasure, and looked at the greenery in front of her, her eyes widened.

"Don't come here! If you dare to come here, I will - shoot!"

However, the beast couldn't understand human words, on the contrary, it was her threat that exposed her position. The green lights in the darkness lit up one after another. Su Qiao knew that she was surrounded by wolves!

"Fortunately, there are two bullets," she said mockingly, "one to hit the wolf, the other to commit suicide!"

She grabbed the gun tightly, opened the safety lock, and focused on aiming at the green that was getting closer.

The wolf was slowly walking towards her, the bloodthirsty light in the wolf's eyes!
It has been hungry for too long, it will grind its teeth on her bones!

The surroundings were so startled that the sound of blood rushing through the veins could be heard, Su Qiao's breathing became as heavy as a hammer, and her heartbeat was like a drumbeat, louder than a single beat.

Wolf, already in range!

Wolf, jump up!

(End of this chapter)

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