Chapter 566 Damn him (2)

At this time, someone came in and announced that Ou Ying's widow Xia Feng came to visit.

Su Qiao was surprised: "Xiafeng? What is she doing here!"

Long Jiuzhong said, "I brought her here."

Su Qiao nodded: "Then I-"

"No, I want you to be there."

Long Jiuzhong persuaded Su Qiao to stay, at this time Xia Feng also walked into the living room.

She looked haggard a lot, no longer the arrogance and domineering of the past, and there was even a bit of flattering taste in her eyes.

When she saw Long Jiuzhong, she took the initiative to lean forward and said, "Long Shou, I was ignorant of the previous incident, and if I offend your daughter, please be sure..."

"Did I tell you to settle accounts with you?"

Long Jiuzhong asked arrogantly.

Xiafeng was even more terrified, and said: "I'm really sorry, I... I didn't do it on purpose! I never thought of... I just wanted to protect my son's rights, I... I didn't participate in the murder of Mo Yanran , I didn't order anyone to attack Monini...I...I'm useless, seeing my husband attack Qiaoqiao..."

"What did you and Ou Ying do?" Su Qiao said, "Why can't I understand a word of what you said!"

"You're right if you don't understand," Long Jiuzhong said, "The Ou family's success from scratch to a firm foothold and then to the industry leader is not only due to the hard work of three generations, but also because they have always maintained a good relationship with black and white! The death of your mother... and the matter of your cousin Monini, it's all—"

"I didn't do it! Mo Yanran was killed because of Ou Ying's begging! Monini... who let her be drugged by her future mother-in-law to abort her child, but she still has the cheek to come to the door to ask for justice..."

The more Xia Feng spoke, the more nervous she became, her voice began to tremble.

"How do you know such details?" Su Qiao asked, "Could it be your idea to hire social hooligans to beat Monini?"

"I just made a suggestion," Xia Feng said with a dry smile, "We are all in the same social circle, her today may be my tomorrow, how can I let—"

"Are you worried that I'll come to the door to ask for the title of the Ou family!"

Su Qiao interrupted Xia Feng's words and looked at her with fiery eyes.

Xia Feng smiled dryly and said: "Qiaoqiao and you don't like my son, how could it be..."

"Your smile betrayed you." Su Qiao said, "Is it really just to apologize today?"


Xia Feng's expression showed hesitation.

Su Qiao continued, "Can you tell me who Zifan's real father is?"

"……What did you say!"

Xia Feng's expression seemed to be stabbed in the back.

Su Qiao said: "Zi Fan already knows that he is not Ou Ying's biological son, and Ou Ying's death is also because of this incident."

She didn't speak very loudly, but Xia Feng couldn't help but back away in fright, grabbed the armrest of the sofa with her backhand, and said with a dry smile: "Qiaoqiao, what nonsense are you talking about? How could it be Zifan... Isn't it Ou Qian who killed my husband?" Jiao?"

"Ou Ying wanted to kill Zi Fan because of this incident, but Zi Fan killed him instead," Su Qiao continued slowly, "Ou Qianjiao paid for the murder of Ou Ying, which was fabricated by us in order to exonerate Zi Fan. Xia Feng, we are now grasshoppers on a vine, I hope you will stop lying to me!"

"……Freeze said!"

Xia Feng flatly denied it.

Su Qiao sighed and said, "But Zi Fan and Ou Qianjiao really don't belong to the same blood line..."

(End of this chapter)

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