Chapter 567 Damn him (3)

"That must be the Jiang family cheating!" Xia Feng said, "I am innocent, and I have never done anything wrong to the Ou family!"

"you sure?"

"Definitely and definitely!"

Xia Feng's posture is so strong that it makes people feel that the doubts about her are all illusions.

But what Su Qiao needs is this strength that she would rather die than admit. She said to Xia Feng: "I hope you can stick to this point of view until the end."

Xia Feng took a deep breath and said, "Things that don't exist in the first place, no matter how you guess, they don't exist."

Su Qiao said: "Are you interested in cooperating with Qiaojiaren? Today is a global market, and a strong alliance will succeed faster."

Xia Feng said: "Let my son talk to you about business matters!"

"Okay," Su Qiao said. "The matter of Monini, please help me beat it! They are very useless, but it depends on the owner to beat the dog! They are so messy, I am very embarrassed."

"Excuse me--"

Xia Feng apologized earnestly.

Su Qiao said: "Actually, there is nothing bad or wrong, but you must remember that what can get you to heaven can also get you to hell."

Xia Feng's expression was uglier than crying.

Su Qiao said again: "Don't worry, the future is still in our hands."

Xia Feng's smile became even more dry.

Long Jiuzhong said: "Qiaoqiao was framed for stealing when she was filming the fox drama. The surveillance video showed that it was a guy wearing a wooden mask who did it. That wooden mask... If I remember correctly, you also have the same model at home." !"

"Mr. Long!"

Xia Feng screamed.

Long Jiuzhong said: "I never thought of doubting you, but it just happened to be so coincidental... Ms. Xia, can you tell me what happened? Where did you get that mask? When the theft and false accusations happened, you and Where are the masks?"

Long Jiuzhong's aura made Xia Feng breathless, she fell down beside the sofa, and said dryly: "I don't... I never... I just know that he has something to do with Mo Yanran... the mask... ...the"

"Mr. Long!"

Mana's voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Xia Feng's panic.

She walked up to Long Jiuzhong and said, "Your Highness wants you to go there!"

"Is it just me?"

Mana glanced at Su Qiao and said, "Yes, it's just you."

Long Jiu nodded emphatically, and said to Su Qiao, "You continue to chat with Ms. Xia first, and I'll be back when I go."

Su Qiao looked at Mana, who was dissatisfied, and said, "I'll wait for you."


After Long Jiuzhong left, Mana's expression changed immediately.

She looked at Xia Feng arrogantly and said, "What are you doing here!"

Xia Feng obviously knew Mana before, and said with a dry smile: "I came here for the sake of Qiaoqiao, and the affairs of the Ou family... can settle it..."

"What to do, what is there to dare not admit."

Mana looked at Su Qiao, and said, "I asked Xia Feng to do the mask thing, in order to determine whether you are Su Qiao! Even if you report this matter to Your Highness, I'm justified!"

"But when a man decides whether a woman is guilty or not, it doesn't matter whether it's reasonable or not, it's whether he loves it or not."

Su Qiao said sharply: "When he loves you, he thinks it's cute if you put worms in his cup. When he doesn't love you, no matter how carefully you dress up and stand in front of him, he will be so cute." Everyone thinks you are disgusting."

"Are you trying to say I'm out of favor?"

Mana asked Su Qiao back.

(End of this chapter)

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