I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 575 Too Excellent

Chapter 575 Too Excellent


The assistant didn't understand her insistence. In the assistant's view, although the dress was unparalleled in beauty, it was not so beautiful that "it must be".

Su Qiao didn't explain to her, and said with a smile: "Anyway, do as I say, if they won't borrow it, then buy it! It doesn't matter how much it costs!"

"Boss...you are really..."

The assistant's mood is very stimulated.

Su Qiao said: "If you finish this matter well, I will give you an extra performance bonus of 5000 yuan at the end of the month!"

Hearing the bonus, the assistant immediately became excited, took the photo and went out full of fighting spirit.


In the shooting studio, Su Qiao met Huarun again without any accident: "Hi!"

Huarun said while adjusting the camera: "You look more beautiful than last time."

Su Qiao said with a smile: "Because I am no longer the old me!"

"What do you mean? Is that rumor true?"

Huarun looked around and no one was paying attention, and whispered to Su Qiao: "Did you really date a man from the military department, and you almost got married?"

Su Qiao gave Huarun a white look, and said, "It doesn't matter if it's true or not, what matters is that I'm a single noble now!"

"But it's really a pity! He is a real rich man, rich, powerful, good-looking and promising. He is not an upstart, a rich second generation, or a pauper pretending to be a rich man."

Huarun had a regretful expression on his face.

Su Qiao thought to herself, the matter between me and Gong Yueming was obviously because he was pestering me and forcing me to marry in secret, so why did others say that I was dumped after I failed to cling to the powerful?

"It's already been divided, so why think so much! Anyway, I have not lost the benefits, and my career has not been affected by these rumors."

"That's right, the ones in the pockets are the real ones."

In fact, Huarun still feels sorry for Su Qiao, but since the other party is very happy, she is too embarrassed to expose it.

After some fiddling, the poster shooting officially started.

With the help of the staff, Su Qiao climbed up the five-meter-high prop building, sat on the exquisite and unparalleled but actually very uncomfortable crystal throne, and smiled at the camera that met the requirements of director Wang Jiaquan - charming and glamorous , temptation comes with rejection.

Huarun captured it beautifully. Seeing Su Qiao's performance is so good, she can't wait to kill all the film on the spot!

Kacha Kacha kept shooting, and refused to let go of every detail change, whether it was the teasing of the eyebrows, the lifting and closing of the eyes, even the small lines in the corners of the eyes - all were included without exception, forever was recorded.

Half an hour later, Su Qiao, who finally finished the first poster, went down the prop building and began to change her clothes and make-up.

At this time, Wang Jiaquan came over and said to Su Qiao: "Your performance has amazed me again! It's even more than when you were shooting commercials—"

"Is it really that good?"

Su Qiao raised her eyes and looked at Wang Jiaquan.

Wang Jiaquan said with a smile: "It's so good that I want to reshoot the entire commercial!"

"Director, you really—"

"It's not an exaggeration! When you were filming the commercial, although your expression was very beautiful and enchanting, but compared to today... today's you give me a deep temptation, as if you were chained to the wasteland A beautiful female slave who runs, her beauty is enchanting with strong and broken coexistence, you know that you will lose the moment you get it, and you will still rush to it...... The flame is as hot, the abyss is as unpredictable... It is as confusing and confusing as a dream ..."

"Director Wang, you're exaggerating too much. I'm not as beautiful as you described."

"No, you have, I testify!"

(End of this chapter)

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