I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 576 The lingering man

Chapter 576 The lingering man

Huarun suddenly joined the topic, his eyes full of intoxication and madness for beauty.

He enthusiastically grabbed Su Qiao's hand and said, "I think I can understand why you broke up with your rumored boyfriend! Because he really doesn't deserve you, and you are a woman he can't control!"

"...Where did you dig this bloody gossip again..."

Su Qiao's expression was extremely embarrassed.

Huarun said: "You are a special woman, your appearance is very delicate and soft, it is easy for men to have a desire to conquer and protect, but after they really get you, they will find that you are an unruly wild horse, arrogant, wild and crazy ...Men, you always have the desire to possess the beautiful and weak things, and the desire to conquer the beautiful and proud things...You who possess these two temperaments at the same time, will inevitably become the stunner that men dream of..."

"You can actually use..."

"Is not it?"

Huarun's eyes were a little excited, and he said: "After the photos are developed, you will know how beautiful you are! It is inevitable for you to break up with that man, because your beauty belongs to the whole world, but he just wants to hide you in his palm .”


Su Qiao was deeply speechless about Huarun's gossip spirit.

"The matter between me and him is not as complicated as you think," she said, "It's just an exchange of interests. If I want to be in charge, he wants to have a body. After dating each other for a period of time, he decided to get along well with each other. When a woman gets married, I get everything I want, so break up peacefully!"

"No, no, no! These are all appearances!"

Huarun's expression became more and more exaggerated.

Su Qiao looked at Wang Jiaquan for help, and Wang Jiaquan said, "He's right, you do have the charm to make men go to heaven and hell. And this charm is becoming more and more obvious as you grow up."

"...I'm going in to change clothes."

Su Qiao withdrew to leave, and the two men's chorus made her collapse.


For the advertisement, Su Qiao changed into eleven sets of dresses in less than four hours, two of which were classic dresses with waist and chest lift!
It was the first time she stood in front of the camera wearing clothes so tight that the alveoli could burst, Su Qiao had to use all her strength to hold back the pain of shortness of breath and show a bright smile.

After finally finishing the first round of filming of the palace tutu skirt, Su Qiao hurried to the changing room, took off the outer layer, leaned against the mirror and asked the staff to loosen the ribbon for her, while she complained while changing her makeup : "Can you stop taking pictures of this classical style next time? It's too... tight... ah! Why are you tight inside!"

Su Qiao yelled for help, but the people behind her couldn't seem to hear her wailing, and the strangulation became even worse!
"Loosen! Strangled into the meat! Ahh! My ribs... my ribs are going to break!"

Su Qiao was in great pain, but the people behind her were only exerting more force, so that her breathing was almost strangled.

After finally putting on the corset, Su Qiao turned around, but saw a face she didn't want to see.

"You—how did you appear here! When the military headquarters is so empty, the major general can run outside every day without incident!"

"Because I want to fix the baby with you quickly!"

Gong Yueming laughed at himself, pinched her chin, lowered his head, and bit her hard!

"...Let go! This is a shooting studio! It's not—"

Su Qiao struggled hard, but her waist was so strangled that it was difficult for her to breathe, let alone resist.


After several struggles, she was picked up by the man, placed on the dressing table, and ravaged wantonly.

(End of this chapter)

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