I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 580 The Wolf Is Coming

Chapter 580 The Wolf Is Coming (3)

"Fuck! What the hell!"

Before the sound of cursing could end, there was a burst of gunfire in the darkness, and the giant wolf attacking in the darkness was smashed into pieces by the men brought by Gong Yueming with heavy machine guns!

Blood mixed with minced meat fell to the ground.

The lights in the garage turned on again, and Su Qiao saw that Gong Yueming's whole body had turned bloody, and said, "You look so embarrassed!"

Gong Yueming said sullenly, "It's not to save you!"

Su Qiao said, "But without you, I wouldn't have encountered so many unlucky things!"

"Well, what you said makes sense."

Su Qiao looked around, made sure that the danger had been completely eliminated, and said to Gong Yueming, "I'm leaving first! My manager is injured, so I have to send him to the hospital immediately!"

"Send me to the hospital too, I was scratched by a wolf just now!"

Gong Yueming raised his hand, revealing a two centimeter gash.

Su Qiao was speechless: "You have to go to the hospital for such a small wound?"

"Have you ever spoken to your benefactor like this?"

Gong Yueming asked back.

Su Qiao was helpless, she pouted and said, "Just let your subordinates take you to the hospital! Why do you have to take my car!"

"They tracked down the remaining wolves," Gong Yueming said, "I am now in a state where no one is in charge."


Su Qiao was defeated by his thick skin, so she had no choice but to ask him to get in the car and take them to the hospital.


The test results will come out soon.

Simon's back was badly damaged, his skin was shredded, and his spine was slightly ruptured, requiring immediate surgery.

Gong Yueming didn't have any major problems. After three stitches on his arm, the hospital suggested that he stay in the hospital for observation for a few days just to be on the safe side.

Gong Yueming didn't object. He didn't need to be hospitalized, and he lay on the hospital bed like a hooligan, and said to Su Qiao: "In order to save you, I'm going to be hospitalized! Can't you give me some comfort!"

"Which type of comfort? A nurse's outfit or a white coat!"

Su Qiao mocked Gong Yueming.

Gong Yueming thought about it seriously, and said: "The exclusive massage of the romantic nurse is a good idea!"

"Not bad you fart!"

Su Qiao was so angry that she wanted to throw her bag and hit someone.

Gong Yueming took her bag firmly and said, "Your manager was hospitalized because of your serious injury. Don't you want to find out who is behind it?"

"Do you know who it is?!"

Su Qiao's face became serious.

She knew that someone wanted her life, time and time again, but so far, she didn't know who wanted her life!And every time more ruthless!
"I don't know who is going to kill you, but if that person is determined to kill you, my hospitalization will be his best chance!"

"Why is your hospitalization an opportunity for him?" Su Qiao asked back, "Don't you know—"

"Stay with me! Three days!"

Gong Yueming said sternly, with a strong attitude beyond doubt.

Su Qiao didn't understand: "Why?"

"You don't need to ask why, just stay!"

When he said this, his eyes looked straight at Su Qiao, as if they were flames or icebergs.

Perhaps infected by the determination in his eyes, the woman nodded in a mysterious way.

She said, "Okay, I promise you...I...I'll go see how Ximen's operation is going first!"


Simon's situation is more optimistic than expected.

When the chief surgeon came out of the operating room, he said to Su Qiao: "His operation was successful, and with a little bit of luck, he should be able to stand up soon."

Su Qiao held the doctor's hand and said, "Thank you! Please help me in the follow-up recovery!"

"We treat every patient equally."

The chief surgeon said, and went down to rinse.

(End of this chapter)

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