I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 581 The Furious Mrs. Gong

Chapter 581 The Furious Mrs. Gong (1)

The nurses pushed the unconscious Ximen out of the operating room, Su Qiao looked at his pale complexion, and suddenly felt that he was not so mercenary and unscrupulous.

At least, if he is really a villain, he will not save his life at a critical moment.

Thinking with emotion, Su Qiao turned around and saw Su Qian: "What are you doing here!"

Susie looked at Ximen who was being slowly sent to the ICU by the nurse, and said, "I heard that something happened to you, I'll come and take a look!"

"I'm fine, Ximen saved me." Su Qiao said, "and Gong Yueming."

"Sure enough, you are still entangled with him," Susie said, "but this is also your skill. There are so many women in the world, but you are his ex-wife!"

The word "ex-wife" was accentuated, implying Susie's infinite disdain and jealousy for her.

Su Qiao heard this, and smiled sweetly: "You have always had the upper hand, no matter in the previous life or in this life. But there is one thing that you have never understood. When a man likes a woman, it can be very complicated or very simple. Young Master Yu likes me , Gong Yueming likes me, and there are many, many powerful men who are obsessed with me... because I not only have the appearance that can satisfy them, but also the inside that makes them obsessed."

"Compare yourself to the heroine of Mary Su's novel and still be so complacent, you are shameless enough!"

Susie was very angry. She was stung by Su Qiao's arrogance, and she wished she could tear Su Qiao apart.

Su Qiao enjoyed her jealousy and said, "No, it's not that I'm shameless, it's you who are shameless first! You pushed me out again and again in order to climb up, and finally made me stand where I am today. Speaking of it , I have to thank you!"

"What's the meaning!"

Susie panicked.

Su Qiao said: "It doesn't mean anything, it's just that I suddenly felt that you and I are both bitches, there is no need to distinguish each other! If there is any difference, it only remains...you are a bitch and I am a bitch." This is no longer the case!"

"...you...what nonsense are you talking about!"

Susie's tongue was trembling in panic!
Su Qiao said, "You understand what I said."

After finishing speaking, she walked towards Ximen's ward, and when she was about to turn a corner, she turned around kindly and said to Susie: "Gong Yueming will also stay in the hospital for observation, you can give him medicine when you see the opportunity and lie on the same bed with him. "


Susie, whose mind was exposed, was so angry that the veins on the back of her hands burst out.

Su Qiao added on purpose, "I forgot to tell you, he likes nurse outfits."


After receiving the news, Mrs. Gong came to the hospital with a large group of bodyguards.

She also has a domineering style, as soon as she entered the inpatient area, someone blocked the floor, rushed to the ICU ward area where Ximen was located, caught Su Qiao who was discussing the follow-up recovery plan with the doctor, and wanted to slap her!

One on the left and one on the right.

The sudden violence frightened the doctors and nurses, and the director of the department hurried forward to stop them, saying, "Speak up! This is a hospital, don't do anything!"

"Go away!"

Madam Gong spoke viciously, pointing at Su Qiao's nose and cursing: "You bastard!"

Su Qiao looked at her calmly and said, "Madam Gong, did you take the wrong medicine? First you hit me for no reason, and now you scold me in public!"

"Why can't you hit me! Why can't you scold me! It's not for you, why would my son end up in the hospital! Needle stitches! He was invited to serve as a military staff officer in the Gulf Theater the year before last, and he didn't get hurt at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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