I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 582 The Furious Mrs. Gong

Chapter 582 The Furious Mrs. Gong (2)

Speaking of this, Mrs. Gong had tears in her eyes.

Su Qiao looked at her coldly and said, "I'm sorry, but your son just likes to make out with me, a broom star, and wants to have children with me when he has time. Even if you are forced to get a divorce certificate, he still can't help it. Said In the end, it’s because you didn’t live up to expectations and didn’t teach your son well.”

"To shut up!"

Madam Gong raised her hand again angrily.

But this time, the director of the department quickly stopped him.

"Ma'am! If you have something to say, don't do it! This is the ICU area of ​​the hospital, please keep quiet."

Madam Gong gave him a blank look, and said to Su Qiao, "Come with me!"

Su Qiao saw that the bodyguards behind Mrs. Gong were also not easy to mess with, she nodded and said, "Okay."

Madam Gong led Su Qiao to the stairwell.


The hospital department at night is both quiet and very restless.

Su Qiao just followed Mrs. Gong to the stairwell, when she was slapped again by the lady!

"You bastard! Actor! There are mother-born and mother-raised things! What kind of soup and medicine did you give my son, so that he can't forget every night and every day! I really... lived like this It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a powerful vixen like you!”

Su Qiao patiently listened to her scolding, raised her head, and said, "...Why do you have no creativity in cursing like Song Rong'er? Either scolding a vixen or scolding your parents for being uneducated? By the way, I am officially certified by Gong Yueming. Wife, even if I'm divorced, I'm still a wife! The matter between him and Song Rong'er is destined to be only a second marriage!"

"Rong'er doesn't care." Mrs. Gong said, "She really loves my son."

"But your son really loves me too!"

In the night wind, Su Qiao smiled sweetly and said, "Mrs. Gong, it's all your fault that things have developed to this point. You gave birth to Gong Yueming, but you didn't teach him how to love and how to control himself." In the end, he finally got into trouble with me, a vixen!"


Mrs. Gong's bodyguard couldn't tolerate her provocation, and showed killing intent.

Su Qiao didn't take them seriously at all. She walked up to Mrs. Gong and said in a low voice: "Also, don't say that I am a bastard with a mother but not a mother. I have a real father and a godfather. And regardless of whether the biological father or the godfather is a person whose status is not inferior to the Gong family. The marriage between me and Gong Yueming is essentially a good match."

"You are already divorced!" Madam Gong said through gritted teeth, "Don't think I don't know how you got everything now!"

"Sorry, you really don't know."

Su Qiao moved her body away, preparing to return to the ICU area.

Madam Gong walked up quickly, grabbed Su Qiao's arm and was about to hit her again, but before she could make a move, she was stopped by a voice!
"Mother, let her go!"

Madam Gong raised her head and saw her son walking out in a hospital gown, she broke down in tears.

"Son, why didn't you put on any clothes when you came out! What to do if you catch a cold! Is your wound okay! Let me see! Let me see!" As he said, he rolled up Gong Yueming's sleeves.

"I'm fine!"

Gong Yueming shook off her hand impatiently, and said to Su Qiao beside him, "What's wrong with your face!"

"Your mother called me, blame me for being a broom star, and brought you bad luck."

Su Qiao spoke lazily, thinking that she would ask the nurse for two ice packs later.

Gong Yueming looked at Mrs. Gong: "Mother—"

Madam Gong suddenly became unhappy, and said: "What kind of eyes do you have, could it be that I was wrong for hitting her!"

(End of this chapter)

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