I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 607 What are you doing here?

Chapter 607 What are you doing here?

Su Qiao parked the car opposite the old palace house and opened the door: "I won't go in!"

Gong Qianming also knew that the Gong family hated her deeply, and said, "Thank you for sending me back."

Su Qiao said: "You were detained by Longshou because of me. It's my job to send you back. It's a pity about the eyes..."

"This is about me and Long Nan," Gong Qianming said, "it has nothing to do with you!"


"Stop saying but, if you really feel sorry for me, make up with the rabbit as soon as possible!"

Gong Qianming's words made Su Qiao smile bitterly.

She took the initiative to hug Gong Qianming and said, "You know this is impossible. There is only lust between us, no emotion."

"……but I……"

"I can't stay here longer, it will be miserable if the palace family sees it."

Su Qiao let go of Gong Qianming, got in the car and prepared to leave.

Gong Qianming sighed helplessly and returned to the Gong family.


Su Qiao's car was only half a kilometer away from the Gong's house when it was blocked by people.

Two military licensed cars were lying on the road, and three dude men who almost had "I am the third generation of the military" written on their faces stood in front of the car, looking at Su Qiao who stopped temporarily because the car was blocked with a half-smile.

"Madam Gong, no, it's Miss Mo, long time no see!"

The leading man spoke in a sloppy manner, with a strange expression on his face.

Seeing their ferocious expressions, Su Qiao didn't dare to get out of the car. She stared straight ahead and stepped on the accelerator to rush over!


These people came prepared. Not only were there cars blocking the way ahead, but nails were also scattered on the ground!Unfortunately, Su Qiao's car had a punctured tire, making it impossible to move even an inch!

The leader of the dandy proudly walked to the car, knocked on the car with an iron bar, and said foully at the same time: "Congratulations, you have won the special prize! The three of us plan to spend today and tomorrow with you! Miss Mo, you You have to take care of your husband and serve us well!"

"Think beautifully!"

Su Qiao gave them a hard look, and took out the gun that Gong Yueming left her from the Kun bag.

At this time, the dandy had already started smashing the car door.

Su Qiao settled down, grabbed the gun with one hand, and took off her high-heeled shoes with the other. When they knocked on the car, she suddenly——

The car door opened suddenly, and the dandy who was knocking on the door was hit in the ribs by the stainless steel door. Before he could make a snort, Su Qiao grabbed the high-heeled shoes and beat him. stunned!It wasn't until half a minute later that I was so disturbed by the shouts of my companions that I rushed forward!

However, Su Qiao was already prepared!

The high heels were smashed out, and while the two were dodging, she raised her pistol and said to the three, "Anyone who dares to come over! I will shoot! Don't think this is a toy! You know who my husband is!"

"It's the ex-husband, not the husband! Don't get the situation wrong!"

A leisurely voice suddenly sounded, and the three of them, who did not show timidity when Su Qiao pointed a gun at them, were suddenly terrified.

They were so frightened that they forgot that there were iron nails on the ground, they knelt down with a plop, and shouted at Su Qiao's back: "I'm sorry! We didn't mean it!"

"Really? Not on purpose? That's on purpose?"

Gong Yueming's voice moved from far to near, accidentally causing Su Qiao to raise her gun and aim at the front while carefully looking behind.

She really saw Gong Yueming!
His car was 20 meters behind her, and he was not alone, Song Ronger was beside him.

Su Qiao bit her lower lip subconsciously: "What are you doing here!"

(End of this chapter)

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