I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 608 Why Are You So Shameless

Chapter 608 Why Are You So Shameless (1)

"Passing by, see you, say hello."

When she was with Song Rong'er, Gong Yueming's expression was so cold that Su Qiao suspected that the person who made out with her twenty hours ago was actually Gong Yueming's twin brother.

"People have seen it, can they go?"

She raised her gun to be vigilant ahead, not daring to relax in the slightest.

Seeing that Gong Yueming didn't intend to help Su Qiao, the three dudes were already very happy.

They said to Gong Yueming in a nonchalant manner: "Those who see it have a share, or this time we will let you first—"

"No, her life and death have nothing to do with me!"

Gong Yueming said coldly, and said to Song Rong'er: "Go back to the car."

Song Rong'er suddenly laughed wildly. Before getting into the car, she took a special look at Su Qiao and said, "Now you know that you are just an actor! Compete with me—dream!" After speaking, the rear door slammed shut.

Gong Yueming didn't get in the car, he said to the driver: "Let these trash go home and find grandma for tea!"

"...Major General, they are—"

"It doesn't matter who they are, what matters is that they shouldn't insult my woman!"

"But didn't you just say—"

The dude doesn't understand.

Didn't he just say "her life has nothing to do with me"?

How in the blink of an eye--

Gong Yueming raised his head and said to the three dudes: "Even if she is divorced now, she was my woman after all! Even if the shoes I wore were burned and buried, they would not be worn by other men! Such a simple You don’t even understand the shallow truth!”

The dudes who finally realized that they had stabbed a hornet's nest were so frightened that they knelt down and begged, "I'm sorry! We...we..."

"Don't pretend to be pitiful in front of me!"

Gong Yueming glanced at the audience, and said to Su Qiao: "What are you doing in a daze, come here!"

"What are you doing! We're already divorced! Do you still want your ex-wife to sit with your current wife?"

Su Qiao did not accept Gong Yueming's hospitality.

Gong Yueming sneered and said, "It's fine if you don't accept it! I won't care about you next time!"

When the dandies heard Gong Yueming say "I won't care about you again next time", their already ashen faces suddenly showed a sinister smile.

They looked at Su Qiao ferociously, apparently planning to take all their anger on her as soon as the man left.

Gong Yueming looked at Su Qiao again: "Let's go! If you don't go - live and die!"

Su Qiao glanced at the dudes, gritted her teeth, walked to Gong Yueming, and said, "What do you want!"

"I don't want to do anything," Gong Yueming said, "No. 15 next month is a good day for me and Rong'er to officially get engaged, and we want to have dinner with you in advance!"

"Hongmen Banquet, or Demonstration Banquet?"

Su Qiao mockingly looked at Song Rong'er in the car.

Feeling Su Qiao's provocative gaze, Song Rong'er walked out of the car door, walked to Gong Yueming, held the man's arm, and said, "Why, can't you have a peaceful meal with us? Qiaoqiao, you are Chairman Zuo now Goddaughter, and a popular movie star, we don’t know how many times we have to meet in social situations! Could it be that we deliberately avoided each time?”

"You think too much, I refuse because I'm afraid you'll be embarrassed!"

In front of Song Rong'er, Su Qiao put her arms around Gong Yueming's neck, and said in a tired voice, "Tonight, do you want to eat my noodles or my bottom?"

"This one……"

Before Gong Yueming could answer, Song Rong'er was so angry that she was too aggressively teased.

She grabbed Su Qiao's shoulder, pointed and cursed: "Slut! Fox! Why are you so shameless!"

(End of this chapter)

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