I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 609 Why Are You So Shameless

Chapter 609 Why Are You So Shameless (2)

"But he really likes to eat both my noodles and my bottom. He likes to eat my bottom while eating my noodles."

Su Qiao put on the appearance of a flirtatious slut, vowing to piss off Song Ronger to death.

The back of Song Rong'er's hands burst out with blue veins.

If it wasn't for Su Qiao still hanging on Gong Yueming's neck, she would definitely slap him.

But she can't, she can't lower her style just because the other party is a coquettish bitch.

Taking a deep breath, she also entangled Gong Yueming, coquettishly said: "Yueming! Didn't you just say that her life and death have nothing to do with you, why is she entangled with you now...but you..."

"Because men are lower-body animals!"

Su Qiao turned her head, winking like silk: "Miss Song, do you know how much he needs me? He won't let me go even during menstruation, he insists on fighting with blood!"

"But you are still divorced! You are already in the relationship of ex-husband and ex-wife!" Song Rong'er said angrily, "I am his fiancee, and I am the woman who is qualified to share a bed with him!"

"Have you ever slept?"

Su Qiao asked Song Rong'er, but looked at Gong Yueming.

Gong Yueming remained silent.

Song Ronger said: "The palace family has a traditional way of thinking, and they don't have pre-marital sex."

"Really? Then why did he and I..."

Su Qiao once again provoked maliciously.

Song Rong'er clenched her fists.

Gong Yueming squeezed his buttocks with a smirk, and said, "You're not a human, you're a goblin."


Su Qiao let go of Gong Yueming, and said, "For the sake of your sweet lips, I will reluctantly have dinner with you!"

Gong Yueming smiled all over his face.

Song Rong'er gritted her teeth with hatred on her face.

"You—wait and see sooner or later!"


Dinner at Michelin three-star restaurant.

Under the dim candlelight, the violin and the piano played in a poignant ensemble, and the chef personally served the delicacies and matched them.

However, none of the three were interested in enjoying delicious food, especially Song Rong'er.

Sitting across from Su Qiao, she looked fiercely at Su Qiao who only cared about cutting steaks and making snails for herself, and said, "You are such an uneducated woman!"

"Why am I uneducated?"

Su Qiao asked Song Ronger back, her posture of eating snails in the front and back was comparable to a French food textbook.

Song Rong'er glanced at her, and sent the prepared snails to Gong Yueming's plate, and said, "Husband, I peeled them for you, unlike some women who eat with their ex-husbands and don't even have basic manners." No!"

"Snails are Yin, I like not to eat them."

Gong Yueming said calmly, and transferred all the snails that Song Rong'er had made to Su Qiao: "Eat more, it's for nourishing yin and beautifying."

Seeing this, Song Rong'er had tears in her eyes, and she was extremely pitiful: "... Yue Ming, that's for you... how can you give it to her! Don't you think it's a bit too partial?"

Soaking in Song Rong'er's tears, Su Qiao ate a snail and said, "This taste is really good."

Song Rong'er felt even more uncomfortable.

She said, "I want to eat too...you can..."

Gong Yueming said: "If you want to eat, peel it yourself."


Song Rong'er's patience finally broke, she patted the table and stood up.

Gong Yueming raised his head, glanced at her, and said, "What are you doing! Are you in a hurry to lose your temper before you get engaged?"

"But this is the snail I peeled for you! How can you...can..."

"If you want to eat, peel it yourself."

Gong Yueming cut off a small piece of steak and slowly sent it to Su Qiao's plate.

(End of this chapter)

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