I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 610 Why Are You So Shameless

Chapter 610 Why Are You So Shameless (3)


Song Rong'er was so angry that her head was smoking.

"Why, want it?" Su Qiao said to Song Rong'er with a smile, "Then I'll give you this piece of beef."

While speaking, she actually put the beef that Gong Yueming sent to the dinner plate on a small plate, and pushed it in front of Song Ronger.

Song Rong'er looked at the steak with fluctuating mood.

"why why why……"

She said in pain, tears streaming down like beads.

Gong Yueming said coldly: "It was you who said that you wanted to eat steak, why, you are not interested when it is delivered to you?"

Song Rong'er raised her head, her eyes glistening with water: "Gong Yueming, how could you treat me like this! You...you..."

"I'm the man Qiao Qiao picked up from the trash, so it's possible that you still expect some good baby?"

Gong Yueming said mockingly, Su Qiao couldn't help blushing, and said in a low voice, "He actually heard it..."

Song Rong'er only heard Gong Yueming say that she was "picked up from the garbage dump", and the grievance in her heart became more intense.

She raised her head and looked at Gong Yueming with tears in her eyes: "How can you be so righteous! I'm your fiancee! I...I've been waiting for you for so many years, I...I..."

"If he wasn't so scumbag that he couldn't stand it personally, why would a gold digger in the entertainment industry who is the most despised by a famous family like me insist on a divorce despite the young wife of the Gong family?" Su Qiao said sarcastically, "That's you, you insist on taking the game for me!"


If the anger can materialize, Song Rong'er must be on fire at this moment, turning into a volcano.

However, Gong Yueming didn't seem to be able to smell Song Rong'er's anger, and continued to show courteousness to Su Qiao. While cutting meat on her plate, he asked, "How are the preparations for the film going? When do you plan to start the film?"

"No.14 next month, the official launch conference."

"Is the capital chain okay?" Gong Yueming asked, "Need to—"

"We are filming a suspenseful psychological drama, not a fantasy blockbuster," Su Qiao said, "Even if it is shot in real scenes, including the post-production cost, the entire film will not exceed [-] million yuan!"

"So it's so cheap to make a movie," Gong Yueming rubbed his nose, "I might as well get a few scripts and find a group of actors to make some movies to promote the image of the military!"

"...Why are you such an occupational disease!"

Su Qiao pointed at Gong Yueming's forehead.

Gong Yueming took the opportunity to grab her hand, put it near his mouth, and said affectionately: "It's not an occupational disease, it's a natural one!"


Su Qiao was stunned.

Gong Yueming is an out-and-out scum, scum towards women and feelings.

But he is indeed a very attractive man. He has superhuman wisdom, incomparable courage, handsome appearance and tough temperament.He is even more like a god in his exclusive field. It is not surprising that Song Rong'er is infatuated with him and is willing to be a second marriage partner.

"I won't love you," Su Qiao said, "We've already broken up, divorced!"

"But I still want to be with you..."

Gong Yueming said as if nothing had happened.

Song Rong'er finally couldn't bear it anymore!
She yelled at Su Qiao: "You are already divorced! These are not yours anymore, why do you still have the face to show affection to my man in front of me? Why do you want to... grab what belongs to me? Die early and be born sooner than later." Don't you understand? He's my man, not yours... No!"

(End of this chapter)

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