I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 612 Don't Cry, I Feel Painful

Chapter 612 Don't Cry, I Feel Painful (Continued)
Back at the restaurant, Su Qiao saw that Song Rong'er was about to leave, her eyes were red, as if she had cried.

She looked at Gong Yueming.

Gong Yueming said indifferently: "Don't worry, the engagement ceremony will not be cancelled."

Song Rong'er's eyes turned even redder.

Seeing that it was not early, Su Qiao said to Gong Yueming, "I'm leaving first, you can do whatever you want! I will try my best to attend the engagement day, if you don't mind!"

"I do not mind!"

Song Rong'er said something coldly.

Su Qiao smiled, took the clothes from the waiter, and walked out of the restaurant.


After parking the car, Su Qiao walked into the entrance, took off her coat and said, "Sister Jin, are you ready for supper?"

"Yes, yes, yes! It's warming in the kitchen!"

The nanny smiled and served her shark fin and bird's nest soup. Su Qiao was about to eat the bird's nest when she saw Young Master Yu sitting on the sofa reading a book, leaning on the big ball behind him, and the little ball on his lap.

He already had a refined temperament, but he wore a white gown, used a tiger as a pillow, and a white cat as a bookshelf. Without saying a word, he exuded an inhuman holy temperament.

"When did you... come here!"

Su Qiao smiled dryly.

Even though she told herself [-] times that Gongzi Yu was the great enemy who killed her and her children in the previous life, and he was also the blood relative of the body in this life, but when she saw his noble and dust-free side like the breeze and the moon, When you are looking good, your heart will always miss a beat.

Young Master Yu closed the book and said to Su Qiao, "I've been there all the time, but you were too busy to notice me."

"I'm sorry, I've been a little busy recently, so I lost track of what I said."

Su Qiao glanced at the scripture in the man's hand and said, "Is it Sanskrit?"

Gongzi Yu said: "Well, Sanskrit, Hindu ancient scrolls, tell the story of curse and reincarnation."

"It sounds complicated."

Su Qiao sat down on the corner of the sofa and ate the bird's nest earnestly.

Gongzi Yu turned his head and looked at her, his eyes were full of love.

Su Qiao was flustered by him, she shrugged her shoulders: "I sent Gong Qianming back to Gong's house."

"I know."

Gongzi Yu's voice was flat.

"On the way back, someone punctured the tire. Fortunately, Gong Yueming and Song Rong'er passed by, and we had dinner together."

"I know."

The man's voice remained flat.

"During the meal, Gong Yueming took good care of me, which made Song Rong'er angry. She felt that I robbed her of her man."

Su Qiao mechanically ate the shark fin and bird's nest soup, and continued to talk.

She didn't know why she said these things, maybe it was because Gongzi Yu's expression was too calm, so cold that she felt unreal.

Fortunately, this time, Young Master Yu finally reacted.

"Aside from being angry, does Song Rong'er have any other expressions?"

Su Qiao said: "No, she doesn't dare to be presumptuous in front of Gong Yueming, but she cries a little bit hard."

"Sure enough, it's something she would do," Gongzi Yu said, "The thing a man hates the most is a woman's tears. You should be lucky that she is crying in front of Gong Yueming. If you change a man casually, you will definitely lose."

"But I don't like to cry! My tears are prepared for acting. In reality... I don't like to cry... I don't like to be... ridiculed in the name of sympathy...I...I..."

Thinking of those stumbling in the previous life, her eyes were a little moist.

Gongzi Yu stretched out his hand, pinched her face, and said, "Don't cry, I will feel bad."

As soon as the words came out, Su Qiao cried even harder.

(End of this chapter)

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