I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 613 Can't Accept Your Love

Chapter 613 Can't Accept Your Love

After crying for a long time, Su Qiao raised her head and looked at Young Master Yu: "Am I a little too hypocritical just now? I want to cry just because of something trivial..."

Gongzi Yu flicked her nose and said: "You have never been hypocritical. Since the previous life, you have liked to hide your pain in your heart and not show it to others. It's a pity that I didn't understand it at that time. I thought it was wrong for you not to cry. sad……"

"But now you and I..."

Su Qiao felt a little uncomfortable.

Gongzi Yu said: "Brother is my most important family member, I can't let him down. But I must admit that I have desires for you. Your body, your breath, your every frown and smile are all attracting me, let me Uncontrollable."

"Don't be like this...you promised me that you wouldn't be with me..."

Su Qiao was terrified.

Although she once told Gong Yueming that she had completely given up on him, she didn't cut off the relationship with him purely for the sake of the child, and she would be with Gongzi Yu after the child was conceived.But when Young Master Yuzhen said "together" to her, she felt terrified.

She couldn't even believe her ears.

"As long as you don't have children, you're not a woman."

Gong Ziyu's three views are different from ordinary people.

He looked at Su Qiao sideways and said, "I have loved you for two whole lives, and there should be a result."

"but I do not like it."

Su Qiao shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't want to be with the person who forced me to death in my previous life, let alone... My current body is a direct blood relationship with you! How could you cross blood so easily... This is an ethical Ah! I... I..."

"In ancient times, blood marriage was the most honorable."

Young Master Yu had his own logic. He looked at Su Qiao and said, "It was God's will to reincarnate you as my blood relative so that I could meet you again. I'm not a saint, I can't do it—"

"There are so many women in the world, you really need to pester me. I'm just a superficial woman with no connotation. I'm not worthy of your love!"

Su Qiao almost knelt down and begged him.

"But I don't want to let go."

Gongzi Yu spoke delicately, with a soft and heart-warming expression.

Su Qiao was even more frightened.

Every touch of tenderness he gave her scared her.

"Don't do this to me," she said, "it's not worth it...I...I don't want to fall into the same river in two lives, and I don't want to make more mistakes than the previous life. I can't accept your love, I don't even ..."

"It doesn't matter, I can wait for you without a bottom line."

Young Master Yu's sudden interruption shattered Su Qiao's courage.

Leaning on Young Master Yu's shoulder, she said, "Did Gong Yueming marry Song Rong'er because of her memory, or because she is the daughter of the Song family?"

"Why, I want Gong Yueming to believe that there is indeed rebirth in the world, and you are really the rebirth of the person he is most ashamed of?"

Gongzi Yu instantly guessed her thoughts and asked jokingly.

Su Qiao laughed dryly and said, "Yes, I want to see how his faith collapses, and when he knows the truth...is he happy, angry or..."

"Unbearable pain?"

Gong Ziyu uttered the four words she most wanted to say instead of Su Qiao.

"The tool of revenge cultivated at all costs is exactly what I want most! The most ridiculous thing is that he even sent her to the enemy with his own hands. If I were Gong Yueming, the moment I knew the truth, I would definitely be better than you." It's hard to die!"

"But you are not," Su Qiao said, "You will not feel worse than death, you will enjoy Gong Yueming's pain, and celebrate with me!"

Su Qiao is well aware of Gongzi Yu's cold-bloodedness, although he always maintains a gentle and tender feeling in front of the reborn her.

"Will you drink wedding wine brewed with Gong Yueming's blood?" Young Master Yu asked in a low voice, "At our wedding."

"I have no idea……"

Su Qiao told the truth, she didn't dare to imagine Gong Yueming's expression when the truth came to light, would he collapse?will despair?Or will the whole person lose support?Although on the bed, she always laughed at him as a scum.

(End of this chapter)

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