I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 624 Take Shortcuts

Chapter 624 Take Shortcuts

"What happened! Why did you rush in without even looking!"

Ou Zifan pushed away the woman who posted it angrily, and said to the secretary, "Why didn't you stop her! Your performance this month—"

"Miss Ye must come in, we can't even stop her!"

The secretary explained with a bitter face, wishing to tear Ye Qiao into pieces.

Ye Qiao just kept crying, and said to Ou Zifan: "Ou Dong, I...my life is hard! Those little sluts saw that I lost power, and they all tripped me up! I attended the MTV awards ceremony the day before yesterday. They didn't prepare a special dressing room for me, and asked me to squeeze in with other actresses... It's just too deceitful!"

"Everyone comes all the way from the bottom, you are too fussy."

Su Qiao said lightly, implying that the secretary would take her out.

When Ye Qiao heard Su Qiao's sarcastic remarks, she felt even more aggrieved, and her tears couldn't stop falling.

"...But what did I do wrong! I'm just an artist, if the company arranges for me any manager, I have to...why should Jiang Meihua's fault be blamed on me? I...I..."

"When Jiang Meihua was in power, why didn't you blame the company for giving her to you and making you lose the chance to fight?" Su Qiao laughed at Ye Qiao, "You have to pay as much as you have gained by relying on Jiang Meihua. It's the cycle of heaven."

"……Who do you think you are!"

Ye Qiao's almond-shaped eyes widened and she looked at Su Qiao: "Didn't you also take a shortcut!"

Su Qiao said, "Sorry, I never take shortcuts."

She said to the secretary: "Immediately call the security guards to come over and invite Ms. Ye out, or you will get out!"

"Miss Mo..."

The secretary was quite frightened by Su Qiao's words.

"Didn't you hear me!"

Su Xi viciously accentuated the notes, and the secretary hurriedly called the security personnel in fright, and pulled Ye Qiao out abruptly.

No matter how you say it, Ye Qiao is also Ou Shi's favorite flower, and she suddenly fell to the point where she was thrown out of the building as an expired product. She was so angry that her exquisite makeup was completely wiped out, and she walked along the road crying and cursing.

While scolding fiercely, a Porsche stopped beside her.

The car window slid down, revealing a strange face: "What a coincidence, you also hate Mo Qiaoqiao so much that you want her to die suddenly on the spot?"


After dealing with Ye Qiao, the four of them continued to talk.

"The preparations for "Portrait" have been completed, and now we are waiting for the official launch." Cheng Luo said, "I hope that "Portrait" can successfully open the market for suspense crime movies, and it will not waste the copyrights of so many suspense novels we have hoarded."

"But what does that have to do with me?" Ou Zifan looked at Su Qiao, "I agreed to join this suspenseful IP project purely for the sake of being pretty."

Su Xi said: "Ou Dong, don't talk like that! If Pretty Woman and Hua Xing succeed in suspense movies, wouldn't the biggest beneficiary be Ou Shi, who also holds a lot of suspense novel copyrights in his hands!"

Su Qian's aggressiveness made Su Qiao very uncomfortable, and hurriedly smoothed things over, saying: "It is the inertia of entertainment companies to hoard IP. Ou's has been the leader for so many years, and naturally he has more IP projects than any other company in the industry. It’s not just the suspense category that has a lot of IP.”

Ou Zifan said: "Actually, the market for suspense films has always been huge, but this kind of films not only require high acting skills, but also have a relatively low return rate, so there is a strange phenomenon that there are a lot of hoarding but almost no actual project shooting."

"I believe that after "Portrait", suspense movies and suspense TV dramas will become popular again."

Su Qiao raised her wine glass and said, "I wish you success! Cheers!"


After drinking the red wine, the four of them smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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