I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 625 Evil Spirit

Chapter 625 Evil Spirit (1)

The global launch day for Smurf's Kiss commercial and spokesperson is finally here.

Su Qiao didn't check into the hotel near the venue until the day before the event. She believed that Ximen's ability could definitely prevent all dangers in her infancy.

In the evening, after finishing the spa, Su Qiao was lying in the jacuzzi wrapped in a headscarf and enjoying the rare comfort. Long Nan sat outside the glass wall basking in the moon with a face of nothing to do. At this time, Long Jiuzhong's confidant suddenly appeared and said to Long Nan: "Longshou wants you to go there, now."

"But miss here—"

Long Nan glanced at Su Qiao who was taking a bath, and his confidant smiled and said, "The entire hotel has been taken over by the Long Team, how could something happen! Don't think too much about it."

Long Nan touched his face and said, "Okay." Then he jumped off the windowsill and said to his confidant, "Please lead the way."

The confidant smiled and took Long Nan away.

Su Qiao didn't know anything about what happened next door and continued to take a bath.

Just when she was feeling comfortable all over, she suddenly felt a little cold on her back. She turned around and saw a woman who was emitting black air.


Su Qiao was flustered, she knew this woman well, and Mana would do anything when she went crazy.

Mana looked at Su Qiao numbly, and said, "Why did you come back after you died! Why did you come back with this identity? It would be great if you were just one of his women like before!"

Mana wept bitterly, and black tears flowed from her eyes.

Su Qiao knew that the church had secret techniques. Seeing Mana's abnormal appearance, she said coldly, "Because it's God's will!"

"God's will...why...God's will...God's will..."

Mana murmured, and suddenly rushed towards Su Qiao, Su Qiao avoided subconsciously, but unexpectedly Mana's body turned into a black flame and dissolved in the water.

The water was boiling hot at once, and then icy cold again. Su Qiao crawled out of the bathtub, grabbed the towel and ran out, bumping into a body at the main entrance.

The man was very surprised. He grabbed the panicked Su Qiao and said, "What happened?!"


Su Qiao grabbed the towel tightly, and only then did she realize that she ran out naked.

Young Master Yu showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said, "What are you afraid of? When you stood in front of me in your previous life, you rarely wore clothes. Even when you were more... I haven't seen you before."

"That was the previous life, not the present! It's different!"

Su Qiao interrupted his nonsense.

Gongzi Yu said: "I don't think there is any difference, the difference is nothing more than the you in the past, I just slept if I wanted to sleep, but now you, I have to ask for your permission to—"

His fingers were gentle and delicate, leaving ambiguous marks on her shoulders.

Su Qiao's goosebumps popped out.

She trembled and said to Gongzi Yu: "I'm sorry, I... I'm not ready yet..."

"I haven't reached the limit of my patience."

Young Master Yu took the windbreaker from the person beside him, put it on Su Qiao, and wrapped it tightly: "What happened? Why did you just run out without any clothes on?"

The pure cashmere sticks to the skin, bringing some warmth to the restless heart. Su Qiao raised her eyes, looked at Young Master Yu, and said, "Someone used magic to deal with me...I...I saw evil spirits... Black tears flowed out, and when he rushed towards me, his body suddenly turned into flames, I...I..."

"Don't panic, I'll accompany you to have a look."

Su Qiao gradually felt at ease with the son Yu's words.

Under his protection, she returned to the restored bathtub, and saw that the water in the bathtub was clean and sparkling under the moonlight.

"How could this be! Just now..."

Su Qiao looked at Young Master Yu in horror: "I...I..."

(End of this chapter)

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