I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 631 Perfume Conference

Chapter 631 Perfume Conference (3)

Everyone showed a satisfied smile. They have reached the other shore of the soul, lying in the secret realm of the soul, enjoying bliss...

All of a sudden, the aroma dissipated, leaving only a watery scent lingering around the body...

People woke up one after another, feeling extremely confused that they were still at the venue.

The director looked at the well-dressed Su Qiao. Su Qiao held up the perfume, walked to the front, and said, "This is Blue Charm Kiss, a perfume with the theme of extreme charm that is suitable for both men and women. Compared with the aggressiveness of green poison , it is a bit gentle, but the lingering charm in the bones is the same."

Her voice is not crisp, but when she introduces the essence of the perfume with a voice that is not bright enough, people's hearts and souls are once again attracted,

She is indeed the most suitable woman to speak for Blue Charm's Kiss. ​​Her whole body, from fingertips to hair tips, exudes a charming smell, like a woman who came out of a spring dream, so seductive that people tremble and dare not breathe .

In this tense and confusing atmosphere, the provocative commercial shot by Wang Jiaquan also unraveled the mystery.

The theme has already been revealed, but when you actually see it, the public will still feel shocked!

The twin demons are like each other in the mirror, but they have an irresistible attraction. When the long-gone face reappears on the screen, when two faces that were thought to have no similarities merge in the magic mirror, the audience will be amazed. They couldn't help holding their throats, fearing that they would exclaim!

Not for technology, not for acting.It's just - I never knew that Su Qiao's and Mo Qiaoqiao's faces had so many similarities!When two people merge into one, they can give off such a charming atmosphere!
Is this really just an ad?

A certain theory that has been circulated in the industry for a long time but has been dismissed as nonsense resurfaced in my mind again: Could it be... Su Qiao's soul is in Mo Qiaoqiao...

The supernatural thought made many people start to look away. When their eyes accidentally met Mo Qiaoqiao who was dressed up on the stage, they instinctively moved away without exception!
The press conference was still going on, but the media guests who were in the first three rows were all absent-minded, compared to the enchanting and alluring beauty of Lan Mei's kiss.They were even more interested in the spokesperson, Mo Qiaoqiao herself.

The newcomer who debuted for less than a year has already shined on the international stage, and when interviewed by foreign media, he also behaved generously and freely, and was calmer than many actresses who debuted for many years.

Her acting skills do not show the immaturity of newcomers at all, and her film resources are too good to be envied. The most terrifying thing is-according to rumors, there are unfathomable forces behind her who are meticulously planning, so her negative Every time it was suppressed when it was about to explode.

With so many unique advantages, and every minute of being inextricably linked with Su Qiao, she is really not... Su Qiao's rebirth!

The press conference was coming to an end, Su Qiao changed her clothes backstage.

The long skirt was taken off, and the diamond hairpin also fell to the ground. She picked up the hairpin, but when she looked up, she saw Gong Xinjie: "How could you... This is the backstage——"

"Money can turn ghosts around. Besides, I'm still the cousin of the Gong family. This business card of the Gong family is easy to use no matter where I go."

Gong Xinjie smiled maliciously, and sat in Su Qiao's seat: "Guess, why am I here?"

"A meaningless question, I don't guess."

Su Qiao was going to ask the staff to come in and ask her out.But Gong Xinjie grabbed her.

(End of this chapter)

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