I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 632 Perfume Conference

Chapter 632 Perfume Conference (4)

She looked at Su Qiao resentfully, and said sullenly, "I hate you! I hate you very, very much! Without you, my life wouldn't be such a mess!"

Taking advantage of Gong Xinjie's inattention, Su Qiao pressed the emergency button secretly, and then said slowly, "But even without me, you will still suffer sooner or later with your young lady's temper."

"Who has the guts to suffer for me!"

Gong Xinjie's nails dug into Su Qiao's arm and almost broke.

Su Qiao looked into her eyes and said calmly, "The person who caused you to be picked up."

"Didn't you do that!"

Gong Xinjie was angry again.

Su Qiao smiled wryly, and said, "But you knew from the beginning that that person was not me. You even knew who she was, but you didn't want to admit it. You trust her more than me, you'd rather believe that it was me I did it, and I don’t want to believe that my good friend from childhood and the daughter of a famous family would do such a despicable and shameless thing. But the fact is that, no matter how hard you deceive yourself and convince yourself that I am a murderer, you heart of--"

"Stop talking!" Gong Xinjie covered her ears and yelled, "I don't want to hear it!"

She raised her head with cloudy eyes: "I said it's you, it's you! It's you! It's you! It can only be you! It can only be you!"

"But I'm really not." Su Qiao said helplessly.

At this time, the voice of the staff came from outside the door: "Miss Mo, are you in any trouble?"

When Gong Xinjie heard the question, she became even more nervous. She grabbed the paper knife on the table, pointed at the aorta of her arm, and said, "Don't let them in! Otherwise, I'll cut your wrists in front of you! I'll make you die for the rest of your life!" -"

"Your death is your business, what does it have to do with me?"

Su Qiao gave her a white look, and said, "Don't think that I will be charged with psychological crimes just because you committed suicide in front of me! You don't even cherish your life, so what right do you have for others to bear it for you!"

While talking, the staff has already opened the door and entered,
When they saw Gong Xinjie holding a paper knife and threatening Su Qiao with suicide, they were all shocked and shouted, "Miss! You must calm down! Calm down!"

Su Qiao whitewashed her again and said, "It's her business that she wants to commit suicide, so you don't need to stop me! I still have a process to go, so please help me watch it!"

While speaking, she sorted out her description in front of the mirror, with a complacent and calm expression on her face.

Gong Xinjie was stunned.

She never expected that this good cousin of hers was as cold as a rock from the inside out, even in front of people, she didn't show any emotion at all!
In desperation, she threw down the paper knife, "Hey! Stop! How could you do this to me! You are not afraid that after my cousin finds out—"

"So what if you know? What can he do to me?" Su Qiao sneered and said to Gong Xinjie, "Miss, it's dawn, it's time to wake up!"

Gong Xinjie was so angry that she burst into tears.

Su Qiao left the backstage under the protection of the staff.


The press conference was a complete success. Netizens praised the guests and the attendees spoke highly of the perfume. Almost all social platforms fell into a carnival. Then the full version of the advertisement posted on the video website received hundreds of millions in just 24 hours. With just one click, more than 1 people on the movie rating website rated the advertisement of Lan Mei Kiss, more than [-]% of them clicked five stars, and only a very small number of guys with unknown ingredients clicked one star. The final comprehensive evaluation is astonishing. Seven minutes past nine!
(End of this chapter)

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