I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 633 Slapping Face at the Engagement Banquet

Chapter 633 Slapping Face at the Engagement Banquet (1)

"Oh my god, is this going against the sky!"

Gossip forums issued similar exclamations. Some pretentious people thought that this was obviously a brand company hiring trolls to swipe the screen to play public opinion marketing, but the post was drowned in brand fans, perfume fans, director fans, setting control...etc. Among the shelling from the professionals, only the shrew's swearing was left.

Su Qiao was very pleased with the complete victory. After being reborn for so long, she finally felt like she was at her peak!

At this moment, Young Master Yu stretched out his arms around her neck, rubbed her neck, and asked, "Has anyone been sent to investigate the matter of Gong Xinjie?"

"This matter still needs to be investigated? It's so obvious."

Su Qiao turned her head and said, "It's a pity that Song Rong'er is busy preparing for her engagement, so she doesn't have the time to watch my press conference live."

"You want to see how she jumps?" Gongzi Yu asked back.

Su Qiao said: "Don't care about Gong Yueming, it doesn't mean that I have no interest in making Song Rong'er look ugly. In the past half a year, I have received countless favors from her, how can I not repay her one by one!"

"How do you want to repay?" Gongzi Yu asked Su Qiao back.

Su Qiao said: "How can the ex-wife not attend the engagement banquet of the ex-husband?"

"To attend alone, or—" Gong Ziyu kissed her finger, "Let me attend with you?"

"That would make them more proud." Su Qiao said, "The Gong family never felt that they were at fault, even though this incident was the fault of the Gong family from the beginning to the end."

"It's enough for us to have a clear conscience." Gongzi Yu said, "The most important thing is, how much effort did we spend to get Song Ronger to wear the same style of dress the day before her engagement? Isn't all the hard work in vain?"

What Gongzi Yu said was so reasonable that Su Qiao didn't know how to refute it.

She matched her fingers and said, "But the Gong family didn't give me an invitation, I...we just go over like this, is it really okay?"

"Why not? You are his ex-wife, my niece, and Zuo Quanyue's goddaughter. Attending his engagement is to give him face. If the Gong family dares to drive you away, just wait to fight me head-on! "

A slight coldness flashed across Gongzi Yu's face.

Su Qiao was in a good mood because of this, and said, "That's it, let's... attend together!"

"Not only must attend together, but also present with the best posture."

Young Master Yu clapped his hands lightly, the servants pushed a pearl gray dress, Su Qiao covered her mouth in excitement: "Could it be—"

"As you can imagine, this dress is the last piece."

There was only surprise on Su Qiao's face.

Six years ago, the golden boy of fashion, Jie Nuo, suddenly committed suicide by drinking a bomb in his studio, leaving behind a piece of clothing that was so exquisite that one wondered whether it was designed for humans or ghosts and gods, because it was so beautiful that even the designers chose it for it. death, so it is called the last posthumous work, or dream posthumous work.

In order to turn Ghostly Yanran's design draft into a real wearable dress, Jeno's assistants spent three years.

Because the finished dress is too expensive and beautiful, it can only be placed in the museum so far, for designers and beauty lovers to watch 360-degree pilgrimage.

But Gong Ziyu lent it out, as well as a set of Empress Josephine's jewelry.

The precious special-shaped pearls are still shining with moving light after hundreds of years, and together with the clothes almost entirely made of pearls, they constitute the most beautiful decoration for women.

Touching the luxurious and incomparable shirt, Su Qiao said to Young Master Yu: "I will not let you down."

(End of this chapter)

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