Chapter 642

"you you you!"

How could Gong Shouri have ever been confronted like this before, he was so angry that he was trembling all over, and he almost couldn't get over it in one breath.

Su Qiao saw that his old face was purple and blue, and said, "Old man, is your heart weaker as you get older? Even with such a little stimulation, your face will turn blue with anger?"

Gong Shouri's lips trembled, and he cursed repeatedly: "Shut up! Shut up!"

"Why shut up? Do you have anything to do with me?"

Su Qiao blinked her eyes innocently and ignorantly.

"you you!"

This time Gong Shouri was really angry and almost carried it away.

Su Qiao saw that his purple face did not seem to be fake, so she hurriedly pressed the emergency button and called the family doctor.


The family doctor arrived, and contacted the hospital after first aid treatment. Su Qiao saw that the old man's heart rate was too fast due to stimulation and was not life-threatening, so she said to Zuo Quanyue, "Godfather, I'm leaving first! If the Gong family wants to ask for a crime, let them Find me!"

"This one……"

Zuo Quanyue hesitated.

"Could it be that godfather wants me to stay?"

Zuo Quanyue sighed and said, "You will only make the situation worse if you stay, but—"

"But can't go?"

Su Qiao is keenly aware of the crux of the problem.

Zuo Quanyue said: "Yes, the Gong family is full of hatred for you. If you leave, once the situation changes, you will be completely passive! It is very likely that you will not be able to wash away even if you jump into the Yellow River."

"I don't want to meet the Gong family," Su Qiao said, "Their faces make me sick!"

"Okay, when the Huigong family comes, you can avoid it for a while. I will help you receive it."

Zuo Quanyue obviously had his own plans, that's why he held on to Su Qiao.

Su Qiao, who knows well that the political world is full of film stars, pretended to accept Zuo Quanyue's kindness, and said with a smile, "Thank you godfather!"


After Zuo Quanyue left, Young Master Yu came over and said to Su Qiao, "Why did you agree to this chrysanthemum essence!"

"Chrysanthemum essence?!"

Su Qiao was made to laugh out loud by Young Master Yu's description.

Gongzi Yu said: "Don't you know that he is actually a twin? While marrying a woman and having children, he is also making out with fresh meat."

"...This news is a bit explosive."

Su Qiao stuck out her tongue and repeated what Zuo Quanyue said to her.

Young Master Yu frowned.

Seeing his serious expression, Su Qiao hurriedly asked, "Why this expression? Could it be that he... left us with other plans?"

Young Master Yu shook his head and said, "He has no other plans, he just wants to sell you."


Gongzi Yu said: "But it doesn't matter, with me here, he can't touch a hair of yours!"


Gongzi Yu said, "Why should I lie to you?"

Su Qiao lowered her eyes.

Young Master Yu saw that she was not very willing to accept him, so he said, "I'll go out and make a phone call!"


Half an hour later, the ambulance took Gong Shouri away, but some of the Gong family members who heard the news stayed behind.

They yelled: "Mo Qiaoqiao! Get out! Are you so courageous that the old man has no courage to take responsibility! If the old man wants to do something good or bad, just wait and see! The Gong family will definitely let you—"

"Everyone, this is not the Gong family! Don't take the Zuo family's house as the palace's territory!"

Zuo Quanyue's eldest son stood up and blocked the palace family: "I can understand your feelings, but just because the old man is lying in the hospital and doing wild things at Zuo's house, it's a bit like treating Zuo's house as a vegetable market! However, if you insist on making trouble , the Zuo family doesn’t mind turning it into a Caishikou temporarily!”

(Caishikou is the most common beheading location in costume dramas)
(End of this chapter)

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