Chapter 643

Zuo's eldest son's speech surprised Su Qiao, she looked at Zuo Quanyue with a guilty conscience: "For me, is it possible to do this?"

Zuo Quanyue said: "It's not for you, but for the Zuo family's face not to be desecrated."

Su Qiao breathed a sigh of relief.

Zuo Quanyue went out and said to the eldest son: "The visitor is a guest, how can you talk to a guest like this!"

Then he said to the Gong family: "You too, the old man is already lying in the hospital, why is he still thinking outside! Hurry up and go to the hospital to watch! In case Gong Shouri suddenly wakes up and has something to say, you are not at the scene. You will suffer a lot!"

"The chairman is right."

The palace family swallowed their anger and said.

Zuo Quanyue said again: "Qiaoqiao spoke rudely and contradicted the elders. I have already reprimanded her! She said she knew she was wrong, and she would come to apologize when the old man woke up! Don't worry about it anymore, after all, she has suffered a lot. grievance."

"What kind of wronged is she... Miss Song's side is..." The Gong family muttered dissatisfied. Compared with Mo Qiaoqiao, who is also a princess, they prefer Song Ronger, the genuine daughter who received a prestigious education since childhood.

Zuo Quanyue coughed, and said, "We, the older generation, don't care about young people's affairs and can't say anything! You should go to the hospital quickly! Don't spoil things in a moment of excitement!"

"...The chairman is right!"

The Gong family left the Zuo family reluctantly.


After leaving Zuo's house, Su Qiao said to Young Master Yu, "I want to go to the hospital to see Monini."

"Why are you looking at her? You are so benevolent to those vampires of the Mo family!"

Obviously, Gongzi Yu did not approve of her decision.

Su Qiao said: "No matter what, my body is Mo Qiaoqiao's, and Mo Qiaoqiao is indeed my father's daughter. I have an obligation to care for her, at least to find out the perpetrators for her."

"This is indeed a problem. You can't always be targeted passively."

Young Master Yu stroked his chin and said, "I'll go with you! I just want to know what kind of environment Mo Yanran grew up in that my brother has been reading for so many years."


Su Qiao was a little surprised, but at the same time felt a little scared.

Mo Weiguo and Zhang Caiying are both extremely petty and wonderful!If they knew the identity of Young Master Yu, wouldn't they really open their mouths?

Su Qiao's panic fell into Young Master Yu's eyes. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I've always known that Mo Yanran's family has the best thing. This time, I decided to accompany you to Mo's house just to see the best."

"...Trust me, it will open your eyes."

Su Qiao's voice was very low, because the Mo family was poor, petty and shameless at heart.

Young Master Yu smiled and said, "I can even accept rebirth as a common practice. What else can make me feel the best? If I can, I must thank you a lot."

Su Qiao was speechless.

At this time, the car came over and sent the two to the Ninth Plastic Surgery Hospital.


Su Qiao and Gong Ziyu walked into the plastic surgery hospital, their eyes were full of women who had excessive plastic surgery and women who longed for plastic surgery to change their fate. The receptionist who had heavy makeup and exquisite makeup could not cover up the traces of plastic surgery was immediately blacked out when he learned that they did not come to the hospital for plastic surgery or consultation. She frowned and said, "Monini is on the third floor. I made an appointment to remove the gauze half an hour ago."

"So the operation was a success?" Su Qiao asked.

The front desk immediately smelled the business opportunity, and said excitedly: "Very successful! Her face is now a standard slapped face, more than enough for an actress! Miss, do you want to..."

(End of this chapter)

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