I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 650 You Have Today

Chapter 650 You Have Today (1)

"That's right, I made trouble at Gong Yueming and Song Rong'er's engagement banquet, and I also provoked your old man twice, but the cause of all this is your son!"

Su Qiao couldn't bear it anymore, and pointed at Gong Qianhao's nose and cursed: "I live my life well, but it was your son who suddenly got a sperm in his head and grabbed me and raped me, and it was also your son who suddenly wanted to marry me on a whim. Your son's domestic violence caused me to have a miscarriage, and he is determined to get a divorce..."

... You said that my making an engagement banquet shamed the Gong family and the Song family, but when I was caused by your son to have a miscarriage, someone from the Gong family came to the hospital and said sorry to me!There is also the matter of the old man - he relied on his old man to show his old man twice and took the initiative to ask me to teach me a lesson, and in the end he was so angry that I told the truth that he was admitted to the hospital!I have never taken the initiative to get angry with him, nor have I taken the initiative to provoke your Song family! "

"What is my son's condition? He can't get any woman he wants by simply hooking his fingers. How could he kidnap you and rape you for no reason! You obviously failed to seduce my son, and you deliberately drugged him to make him think that he raped you." I’m responsible for you, I’m responsible for you! Isn’t it!”

Song Chengying pointed at Su Qiao's nose and cursed. Like all parents in the world, she felt that her son was originally pure and flawless. He did wrong things because of being drugged and seduced by a bad woman, and his resume was stained.

"You can say whatever you want, anyway, the matter is over."

Su Qiao spoke lazily, preparing to leave.

Gong Qianhao called to stop her: "Stop! Don't leave!"

"Why can't I go? I have nothing to do with the Gong family."

Su Qiao felt that it was unreasonable.

Gong Qianhao said: "If you are not allowed to leave, you are not allowed to leave! No one is allowed to leave until the matter is clarified!"

"whats the matter?"

Anxiety flashed in Su Qiao's eyes, she faintly felt that she had been framed.

Seeing her flickering eyes, Gong Qianhao was even more convinced that she was the real murderer.

"Mo Qiaoqiao, if you still want to live to see the sun tomorrow, start praying now! The old man is fine, you can live! What's wrong with the old man, you—book a crematorium!"


Su Qiao was sitting next to the single bed in the prison cell temporarily converted from a double ward.None of the tools that could be used to escape or commit suicide were left behind. The small balcony was welded and sealed with thumb-thick steel bars, and guards with live ammunition stood outside the door.

The air was tense.

With no wings to fly, she has only two options left, lying on the bed in a daze, or sitting on the edge of the bed in a daze.

In the evening, Gong Xinjie came in with a plate and said to Su Qiao, "You have today too!"

Su Qiao was speechless and got up to take the plate.

"Sick meal?"

Gong Xinjie pursed her lips and said, "Why, do you still want to eat delicacies from mountains and seas?"

Su Qiao said, "No, I just feel that you guys still prepare three meals for me. I'm a little surprised."

She picked up the spoon and started to eat porridge and vegetables.

The patient's meal was bland, tasteless and almost liquid, and the taste was very bad, but Su Qiao had to eat it, so that she would have enough energy to wait for the rescue or the public trial.

Seeing that she could even eat such an unpalatable food, Gong Xinjie frowned and said, "Sure enough, a poor ghost reincarnated! Eat slowly, I won't choke you to death!"

"It's no wonder liquid food can choke to death."

Su Qiao put down her job and said to Gong Xinjie, "Hey! Can I have some more?!"


Gong Xinjie said angrily: "Okay, I'll bring you three more bowls mixed with cyanide!"

"If you really dare to mix cyanide, I have to thank you."

Su Qiao turned around and continued to rest with her eyes closed.

(End of this chapter)

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