I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 651 You Have Today

Chapter 651 You Have Today (2)

After waiting for another half an hour, Su Qiao heard the sound of the door lock opening, without opening her eyes, she waved and said, "Put the food on the table, and I will eat when I am hungry."

However, the food delivery person did not leave.

Instead he went to the bed.

"Why do you do that!" he whispered, "Why do you have to piss the old man over and over again!"

Su Qiao heard the sound, sat up with a grunt, and looked at Gong Yueming: "Who said I was angry with him! He took the initiative to find me! Twice!"

"But it is he who is in the emergency room now, not you!"

Gong Yueming grabbed Su Qiao's shoulder and shook it vigorously: "If you want to feel wronged or unhappy, you can come to me directly! I guarantee that I won't fight back! But why do you have to argue with the old man! He always Considering your age, and your heart is not good, you can't stand the stimulation!"

"It was he who was looking for me, not me. He was the one who scolded me, not me." Su Qiao reiterated, "If he has a bad heart, he should rest at home and take care of it. Don't come out just to find trouble."

"How can you say such a thing! You still—"

Gong Yueming was so angry that the veins on his forehead bulged, and the hand grabbing Su Qiao's shoulder almost dug into the flesh.


Su Qiao was so caught that tears came out of tears, and she said pitifully, "My shoulder... hurts..."

"You know it hurts too!"

Gong Yueming spoke viciously, and loosened his grip on the shoulder.

Su Qiao subconsciously rubbed her shoulders. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw the man's vicious and reddish eyes. She hurriedly sat upright and said, "What happened? The old man...is he all right!"

"It's okay, I joined forces with my old comrades in Xianshan!"

Gong Yueming spoke dully, his voice was depressing and painful.

Su Qiao's heart skipped a beat.

She thought, this time it might really be the end!
Seeing her sudden silence, Gong Yueming knew that the woman was scared, and teased, "Now you know how to be scared? Are you sharp-tongued?"

Su Qiao lowered her head and said, "I didn't... When I came out of the ward, he was in good spirits... Why did he suddenly... have a problem! There must be a problem!"

"The problem is that no one is in the mood to calculate who is responsible for the old man's affairs!" Gong Yueming rubbed his brows in pain, and said, "Everyone thinks that you are mad at the old man, you are the culprit The culprit!"

"But I don't...I don't...I'm just telling the truth...I don't..."

Su Qiao muttered helplessly, Gong Yueming's words made her body cold, as if she had fallen into an ice cave.

Gong Yueming originally wanted to leave after explaining the matter, but when he saw her sitting on the edge of the bed dumbfounded, her eyes were staring, and she was muttering in her mouth, her heart was full of mixed feelings.

He supported her by the shoulder and said, "I know it's not your fault...but so many people in the palace family think it's you, and you really contradicted the old man...I...I...I don't know what to do!"

"I know, I know it's hard for you."

Su Qiao lowered her head, tears streaming down silently.

Gong Yueming couldn't see her tears, so he took the initiative to hug her, pressed her head to his chest, and said, "Don't cry, I will help you!"

"But... now everyone thinks I'm a murderer... who will listen to me... who dares to give me..."

Su Qiao sniffed while crying, feeling overwhelmed.

"I believe in you, I dare to protect you!"

Gong Yueming spoke forcefully, lowered his head, and kissed her forehead.

Kiss' faint kiss turned into fiery heat when it touched the skin, maybe it was fear or despair, this kiss actually made each other's desires burn like wildfire.

(End of this chapter)

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