Chapter 660 Rebellion (1)

In the afternoon, Su Qiao finally recovered her spirits and walked out of the room.

In the living room, Ximen was sitting on the sofa typing and answering emails like flying, with two cat cakes, one big and one small, lying on his feet.

Seeing Su Qiao, Ximen turned around and said, "Good afternoon! You look in good spirits!"

Su Qiao laughed dryly and said, "After sleeping for twenty hours and lying on the bed for a long time, I'm sure I'm in good spirits. How about you, are you all right at home?"

"Everything is safe." Ximen locked the screen of the tablet, turned around, and said, "Is the press conference going well?"

"It's very smooth and successful. My advertisements and photos have been launched globally," Su Qiao said. "I have upgraded from a heartthrob to a billionaire at one time. When I walk on the road, I have to be careful to be surrounded by enthusiastic fans asking for autographs."

"That's good," Ximen said, "I heard that I attended the engagement banquet between the Gong family and the Song family."

"They sent invitations, so I naturally want to participate," Su Qiao said, "It was I who dumped Gong Yueming, not Gong Yueming who dumped me! There's no need to make yourself look like a shameless abandoned woman."

"If you can think that way, I'm relieved."

Ximen stood up with a smile, and said, "I'll tell you a piece of gossip. The movie "Peach Blossom" starring Zong Hai and Liu Feifei has been postponed due to the unfinished special effects in the post-production period! However, there are also inside reports that the special effects team of the film has been disbanded."

"...This... Didn't you say a few days ago that "The Prosperous Peach Blossom" will spend hundreds of millions to create top-level fantasy effects? Why did it suddenly disband?!"

"Because——" Ximen smiled ambiguously, ""The Prosperous Peach Blossom" is a money laundering film, and the external publicity costs hundreds of millions of dollars, and the actual filming investment is only tens of millions, which may not be as high as the publicity cost. There is no pressure to recover the cost. In addition to buying box office internally... the final box office should start at [-] million."

"That's okay? Wait, since everything is settled, why did you temporarily escape? And disbanded the special effects team?"

Su Qiao didn't quite understand the doorway here.

Simon said: "Because the scheduled release date of "Peach Blossom" happened to collide with three major productions, it was inconvenient for money laundering and box office fraud, so it was announced that the special effects were not completed and the release was postponed. After all, the announcement of the filming completion was as early as halfway through It was killing all over the sky a month ago, if you suddenly say that you want to make up and reshoot at this time, you will be slapped in the face!"

"Let them go," Su Qiao said, "as long as it doesn't hit the schedule of my movie."

"'s hard to say!"

Simon smiled strangely.

He said: "Maybe "Peach Blossom" is really planning to escape to the Spring Festival and confront your "Portrait" head-on. The director of "Peach Blossom" is also a famous director. Not without any artistic pursuit.”

Su Qiao heard this and said with a smile, "If they dare, I'll make them lose their word-of-mouth box office!"

"You have enough confidence in yourself! But I like it."


The atmosphere in the ancestral hall was very tense, almost everyone was peeking at Gong Yueming, but Gong Yueming was absent-mindedly playing with his phone.

Finally, Gong Qianhao couldn't bear it anymore, he smashed the table with his palm: "Kneel down for me! Unfilial son!"

"Kneel? Why? Did I do something wrong?"

Gong Yueming's casual attitude makes people go berserk.

Gong Qianhao was enraged, she clenched her fists tightly, and her joints made a clicking sound: "Nizi, do you know what's wrong!"

(End of this chapter)

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