Chapter 661 Rebellion (2)

Gong Yueming put down the phone and said, "Wrong? What's wrong?"


Gong Qianhao grabbed the whip and was about to beat him, but Song Chengying rushed forward and said, "Husband, my son has suffered enough from being deceived by a slut woman to make a big mistake, so don't..."

"Uncomfortable! How can he look uncomfortable like this!"

Gong Qianhao was so angry that she almost pushed Song Chengying to the ground.

Song Chengying loved her son deeply, and said cheekily: "If he repudiates you in public, it means that he has guilt in his heart..."

"Thank you for being able to speak out! You are used to most of his current temper!"

Gong Qianhao's cheeks flushed red with anger at his wife's words.

Song Chengying quickly looked at his son: "Hurry up, admit your father's mistake! Expose this matter!"

The corner of Gong Yueming's mouth once again sneered: "I admit my mistake, I shouldn't marry a woman whose status, status, appearance and education are inferior to mine without authorization. And I did things against your wishes for this woman!"

"It's okay, you are all divorced, your father will understand you!"

Song Chengying forcibly smoothed things over, and after coaxing her son, she said to her husband: "Husband, my son knows he was wrong, and he has already divorced that woman, so don't be angry and stop holding the whip!"

She cautiously asked Gong Qianhao to put down the whip, Gong Qianhao didn't want to be laughed at by everyone, since his son had "subdued", he just went downhill and put down the whip.


"But this time, I don't think I'm at fault!"

Gong Yueming spoke again, re-intensifying the atmosphere that had already eased.

He raised his head, looked at everyone at the scene, and said, "The old man died of cardiac arrest. Everyone who caused his cardiac arrest is responsible. Qiaoqiao is responsible, and Xinjie and I are equally responsible!"

"What does this have to do with you!"

Song Chengying screamed.

Gong Xinjie's mother, Gong Yuelan, also yelled: "Brother, what do you mean! You married this frustrated woman and indirectly made the old man die of anger. It's your fault. It's none of our Xinjie's business!"

"Mom! Stop talking!"

Gong Xinjie had a grievance on her face.

Gong Yueming sneered, and said: "Xinjie, tell me honestly, it was the old man who asked you to call Qiaoqiao to come to the hospital, or you sent a false imperial decree!"

"This one……"

Gong Xinjie panicked.

Gong Yueming forced her to ask Gong Xinjie: "Why did you do this! Why did you call the old man to come over knowing that you don't like Qiaoqiao! What is your intention!"

"Cousin! I...I..."

Gong Xinjie burst into tears again.

Gong Yueming kept asking: "Tell me, why did you do that!"


Gong Xinjie was forced to stutter by Gong Yueming, at a loss for what to do.

Gong Yuelan protected her daughter, and angrily angered Gong Yueming: "Brother, you're calling 'Sangmen Xing' one by one! What do you mean!"

"It doesn't mean anything, I just want to clarify the responsibility for killing the old man!"

Gong Yueming said coldly: "First of all, of course it's me. If I hadn't married Qiaoqiao, nothing would have happened. Secondly, it's Qiaoqiao. You'll know this without mentioning it. But——if the Song family didn't marry If Qiaoqiao had sent an invitation, she would not have had an engagement banquet; if Qiaoqiao hadn't had an engagement banquet, the old man would not have been so angry that he would have been hospitalized; if Xinjie hadn't called her to come over, the old man would not have had a cardiac arrest and died! ——Xinjie who called Qiaoqiao to go to the hospital to meet the old man, and the Song family who deliberately sent invitations to Qiaoqiao for the engagement banquet... are also accomplices!"

He paused and said, "We are all the murderers who killed the old man!"

(End of this chapter)

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