Chapter 662 Rebellion (3)

"Are you going to piss us off! You can even say such words!"

Gong Qianhao and Gong Yuelan spoke together.

Gong Yueming said: "Whether my words are reasonable or not, Xinjie knows best in her heart! In short, all parties are responsible for this matter, and it should not be pushed on Qiaoqiao alone! If you insist on being unreasonable, I will only I can temporarily move out of the palace!"

"Is this a forced palace?"

Miyazaki was very unhappy.

Gong Qianming interrupted and said, "But the rabbit is not wrong! This time, several parties are indeed responsible, and it cannot be simply said that it is Qiaoqiao's responsibility!"

"Brother, you actually—you forgot your eyes—"

Gong Qianhao was puzzled by Gong Qianming's defection.

Gong Qianming said: "I will not forget about the eyes, but I will never do unreasonable things. This time it is indeed that you guys are too arbitrary."

"...Okay, let's leave it at that for now!"

Miyazaki sat down in frustration.

The old lady felt sorry for her grandson and said, "Yue Ming, you sit down too."

Gong Yueming said: "I made a mistake, I can't sit."

"...You child! Why..."

Mrs. Gong's voice trembled a little, she was afraid that her son would lose his temper in public and stir up the quarrel that had been suppressed so hard.

Fortunately, the old lady dotes on her only son as well as her eldest grandson. After a little thought, she said: "Yue Ming, I know you like Mo Qiaoqiao in your heart, but she is really not suitable for the Gong family, and this kind of thing happened! How about it, you I vowed not to have any contact with Mo Qiaoqiao's family in the future, and to marry Rong'er within a year, and this time I will treat it as...just as if nothing happened!"

"Really? You really won't make Qiaoqiao any trouble?"

Gong Yueming's eyes were sharp.

The old lady said, "I promise you."

Gong Qianhao also said: "As long as you can let her go and marry Rong'er, you can do whatever you want!"

"Okay, I promise you!"


On the day when the news of Gong Shouri's death was officially announced, the news channel broadcast a special three-hour commemorative program, and also temporarily cut off all the programs on the second day, and made a live broadcast of the memorial service.

The solemn and solemn music floats all over the streets and alleys, no matter where it is.

Su Qiao, who was making final preparations for the opening ceremony, unexpectedly met Su Xi on the set.

"Why are you here?" She asked curiously, "The Gong family didn't let you attend the memorial service?"

Seeing that there was no one around, Susie said mockingly, "I'm just the granddaughter that the old lady casually accepted in order to seek psychological comfort. Family banquets are fine, but today is a big occasion where national leaders will appear. They How could you allow me to show my face!"

"So you're not doing well at all."

Su Qiao said: "I thought the sisterhood in the entertainment industry was a plastic flower, hypocritical but never withered. I didn't expect the family relationship in the military and political circles to be a plastic flower."

"As long as interests are involved, the relationship between who and who is not a plastic flower!"

Su Qian sneered, lowered her head and said to Su Qiao: "I have good news for you. The old man died suddenly. The Gong family needs their eldest son and grandson to keep their filial piety for a year. They decided to let Gong Yueming and Song Rong'er get married next year."

"What kind of good news is this? It has something to do with me?"

Su Qiao looked at Su Qian mockingly.

Su Xi said: "Do you really not know or are you pretending not to know? Originally, the Gong family wanted Gong Yueming and Song Rong'er to get engaged first to establish their status, and then discuss marriage after they developed a relationship. Now they skip the engagement and get married directly. It's because of you!"

(End of this chapter)

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