I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 677 The Beating Video

Chapter 677 The Beating Video (5)

A reporter turned to ask Zong Hai: "Mr. Zong, is that slap video between you and Ms. Mo a pure misunderstanding?"

With a greasy smile on his face, Zong Hai said, "Of course it's a pure misunderstanding, but the fans made a big fuss, that's why I took the initiative to hug her today."

When Su Qiao heard this, a sarcasm appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she said, "Did you find these people?"

Zong Hai said: "Miss Mo, how can you think of me like that! It's not like you don't know who I am."

Su Qiao smiled and said, "Yeah, who are you, how could I not know, I hope you will pass everything smoothly from now on and not be caught by anyone! Otherwise, you will definitely—"

She made a gesture of scratching her neck, and Zong Hai smiled and said, "Miss Mo, you are so funny."

Su Qiao said: "Whether it's funny or has another meaning, you know, I know!"

Zong Hai's face turned cold.

Su Qiao said: "Anyway, I won't argue with you about today's affairs, but please also remember, don't always treat others as fools! You have your little cleverness, but others also have other people's great wisdom!"

After finishing speaking, she said to the crew: "Let's go!"

"Is that all?" He Zai asked Su Qiao.

Su Qiao said, "If you were bitten by a dog, do you want to bite back?"

He Zai sneered.

He turned around, and gave Zong Hai a hard punch in front of countless reporters!
Zong Hai didn't expect that He Zai would beat someone in public, and his eye circles were purple from the beating.

When the reporter saw such a big story, the flashes kept on excitedly, while He Zai grabbed a microphone and said, "You all took pictures clearly? Yes, I hit someone, but I think my punch was very correct. ! To deal with this kind of industry cancer, slaps in the face are light!"

"Mr. Ho—"

The reporters crowded around excitedly.

He Zai continued: "It's okay for this person to be unprofessional and ruin his reputation in the industry by using a substitute indiscriminately. He's still a fashionista, and he's all focused on how to calculate others to step on others! I don't object to the actor's scheming, but I look down on him. It's a cancer that's single-minded about crooked ways! For this matter, you can just look for me!"


The video of He Zai angrily beating Zong Hai was uploaded to the Internet at the speed of light. Zong Hai's fans were naturally excited, but Yi Xi's fans were not to be outdone, and the two quarreled happily on the Internet.

The next day, fans of He Zai and Yang Ye also joined the battle group.

With the expansion of the situation, Zong Hai's fans, those who had been fans of celebrities, those who had seen He Zai Yang Ye's movies, and those who had a certain understanding of their character, all joined the fight alliance. In front of Renmin Haiyang, Zonghai's fan group, a big fightr, quickly became overwhelmed, and said aggrievedly: No matter what kind of grievances there are, beating someone is wrong!You are too domineering!

It's a pity that the ones they offended were all professional fans, especially Yi Xi's fans - they were furious when they smelled the familiar smell.

The Internet is full of gunpowder, and the most popular searches on Weibo and Baidu are all discussions about this fight, and there are almost a lot of discussions, but almost all social platforms are overwhelmingly criticizing Zong Hai and the two movie kings.

Su Qiao watched the battle and smiled.

"This is the price of causing public anger." She said, "Aren't his fans very proud and self-righteous! Why can't they even last three rounds this time!"

"Because there are too many people offended," Yi Xi said, "This time it's an expected backlash."

(End of this chapter)

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