I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 678 The Beating Video

Chapter 678 The Beating Video (6)

"But he is still jumping in the industry." Su Qiao said, "When will this cancer be completely banned!"

"There is no way to ban him in the short term. After all, apart from his poor upbringing and lack of moral character, he has no problems in principle." Yang Ye said, "And his face is indeed in line with the aesthetics of most people."

"That's because they haven't seen his appearance without a P photo, and his appearance of Lafayette who abused his substitute!" Yi Xi said angrily, "What happened back then is really..."

"What happened back then? I heard that you once co-produced an idol drama with two male protagonists. It caused a great sensation at the time, but after the filming, you and him completely broke up."

He Zai asked curiously. When he saw Yi Xi talking about Zonghai, his eyes were burning, and he believed that something very excessive must have happened.

"That incident...it makes me angry to think about it!"

Yi Xi picked up a can of beer and said, "Originally, the show didn't intend to let him be one of the male leads. We had already decided on all the roles in September and entered the filming crew. But his manager Zhen Qiu is very good." , I was stunned to persuade the producer to let me be the production director, and then I found an excuse to forcefully drive away the original male second and put him in as the second male. At that time, the scenes between me and the original male second had already been filmed More than halfway through the show, he suddenly airborne, causing great dissatisfaction from the crew, but he didn't want to get along with everyone at all, instead he always treated us with the attitude of 'I am appointed by the production director'."

"His emotional intelligence is a bit touching," He Zai said, "What happened next?"

"Whether you accept it or not, he is the second male now, so naturally all the scenes related to him have to be rescheduled." Yi Xi said, "But he was still starring in another play at that time, so it was often all our preparations. It’s good to wait for him to come alone. What’s worse is that he not only has very poor script skills, but he doesn’t even know who the role he is going to play is. Every time, he has to waste a long time for the director to give him the play guidance, and finally he has to repeat it over and over again. shoot!"

"No wonder you fell out, filming with this kind of person is indeed—"

Yang Ye patted Yi Xi's shoulder: "Fortunately, you made it through."

Yi Xi said: "These are not the most disgusting. The most disgusting thing is that when the film was finally finished and only post-production was left, he and his agent suddenly announced a high-profile job-hopping and took away the film's post-production fee! "

"Fuck! Does he still have three views!"

Someone in the crew couldn't help scolding.

He Sheng said: "No wonder your film looks so rough, it doesn't look like a production cost of 200 million yuan per episode."

"Don't mention it. The movie with him is the most dirty thing in my life. Although I have made worse movies before that, there is no movie that makes me feel so obvious that the partner is the best. Five words!"

Yi Xi downed the beer and said: "It's really bad! It's so bad that only the word spicy chicken is left! If there is anything I learned from working with him, it is that it makes me realize that being a human being is absolutely impossible. Can’t be like him! In addition, working with him has made my fan group’s ability to fight has risen sharply! This is an unexpected surprise.”

It's just that he said he was pleasantly surprised, but his face showed depression.

Su Qiao patted him on the shoulder understandingly, and said, "Don't worry, people like him will have retribution sooner or later! God will not always favor him! One day, all the bad things he did will be repaid on the only one he thought of. proud face!"

 The thing mentioned in this chapter that a certain fresh meat took away the post-production funds with the agent who served as the deputy production director after filming is true, and the industry basically knows it

(End of this chapter)

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