Chapter 679

"His face has started to go downhill. When he first debuted, his face can be said to be delicate and handsome, but now, his temperament can only be described as greasy and wretched. That is to say, his fans look at people through fan filters. Say it's the temperament of a domineering president."

"The temperament of a domineering president?!"

Su Qiao couldn't help laughing out loud. She had a lot of contact with the real president in real life. None of them had such a greasy and frivolous temperament like Zong Hai. Even if they were less than thirty years old, they still exuded calmness and restraint.

"If someone like him becomes the president, the company will definitely be close to bankruptcy." Ximen said with a smile, "That is to satisfy the little girl's fantasies of handsome guys!"

"I heard that your father is a partner of the world's largest brokerage firm?" He Sheng asked suddenly, "Can you tell us about his glorious story?"

"Bright story? I..."

Ximen knocked on his forehead and said, "I've seen him keep unpacking express packages for my mother since I was a child."

"Unpack the express delivery?!"

The whole crew was surprised.

Simon said: "My mother is a shopaholic. She likes to buy, buy, and buy between the filming of the crew. We are responsible for receiving and unpacking the couriers at home. At that time, my father often took pictures of couriers blocking the door and told her not to I bought it again. I remember the most exaggerated time, she bought [-] couriers in one go!"

"This is... a super shopaholic!"

Su Qiao was shocked. Ximen's mother had obviously become a shopaholic and needed psychological intervention.

"But my father dotes on her," Ximen said with a wry smile, "Don't look at him outside making troubles, haggling with various presidents, bosses, and movie kings. After returning home, he is just an old man squatting on the ground to unpack the express for his wife. And He never dared to blame my mother, because the money my mother used for online shopping was earned by herself."

"That's true—wait, what does your mother do?!"

"A TV actress with a good background, but because of her ordinary talent, she is still a well-known [-]th line after many years of mixing," Ximen said, "When I met my father, if it wasn't for an accidental pregnancy, she would have planned to have a mediocre performance in acting." Back to school for graduate school."

"But there are no ifs," Su Qiao said, "and now she has a husband who loves her and loves her, so she is very happy."

"It's not just happiness. When they first got married, the entire entertainment circle thought they were raising true love. It was so ugly at that time, but then these people shut up. Because my mother has always been in their marriage. Having the absolute upper hand, no matter how coquettish my father is outside, he is still a strict wife when he comes home."

"Very happy taste."

Su Qiao said with a smile, at this time a man's voice drifted past his ears: "If you like it, I can do the same to you."

Su Qiao couldn't help but feel her back tense, this is——

She turned her head, there was no one behind her, but the man's breath became more real.

She gripped her phone tightly and said to everyone, "I'm going to the bathroom!"


Su Qiao walked into the bathroom quickly, and sure enough someone followed behind her.

Su Qiao stood in front of the mirror and looked behind her, and said, "Why did you break into my life again? Didn't you swear in front of the palace family that you would not have anything to do with me from now on?"

"Because the person who came is not me, but another me."

Gong Yueming took off his hat, stood behind Su Qiao, and whispered, "I miss you."

"I don't miss you, I never do."

Su Qiao didn't want to turn around, his breath made her tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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