I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 680 Stop fooling yourself

Chapter 680 Stop fooling yourself

"It's not that you have no feelings for me, it's just that you don't want to admit it."

He spoke in a low voice, stroking her hair with his fingers through the air.

Su Qiao suddenly felt funny. She stretched out her hand, pointed at him in the mirror, and said, "Why do I have to like you! What is it about you that I like?"

"I have many parts worthy of your liking." Gong Yueming said, "I can meet your various needs, my appearance and IQ are the best!"

"But you can't give women what they want most, tolerance and safety!"

Su Qiao looked straight at him and said, "The happiness I want is actually very simple. I want you to trust me completely, tolerate me, and give me a sense of security. But you can't do these things, you As high as your IQ is, your EQ will be as low. As deep as your scheming is, you will give me as much anxiety. Every moment I am with you, I have to tell myself that although this man is human Scum, but his brains and face are really top-notch."

"It turns out that my image in your eyes is so complicated. Unfortunately, I thought you always thought I was a scumbag who thinks with his lower body."

Gong Yueming's expression was full of sarcasm.

Su Qiao said: "At the beginning, I really thought that you were a scumbag who could only think with the lower body. At that time, I was once complacent. The top brain in the world will become someone who can only think with the lower body after meeting me." Idiot. I didn’t realize how wrong I was until later when I knew the truth! You are not an animal that thinks with your lower body, you are an intelligent computer that counts your lower body! You bastard, you have no emotions at all!”

"No, I have feelings, and I give almost all of my feelings to you."

Gong Yueming hugged her, and said in a low voice: "Before I met you, I firmly believed that there was nothing I couldn't do in the world, whether it was human heart or love, I could easily possess it. But you... your every move Every move exceeded my expectations. Yes, you are stupid, you have a low IQ, and you are not successful in life. But every time...every time..."

His voice choked.

Su Qiao sighed, folded her hands on the backs of his hands, and said, "Because you miscalculated a bit. I am stupid and not very smart, but I am sensitive. I have clearly known from the beginning that being as good as you is not You may fall in love with me unconditionally. So no matter how many benefits you give me, as long as you show a little dislike or dislike, I will be highly nervous, afraid of turning back to the old Cinderella, and even more miserable than before !"

"So you treated me—"

With a poignant smile on the corners of her bright red lips, Su Qiao said: "Men and women are an art that originated from ancient times. But no matter what kind of relationship a man and a woman are in, they all abide by the same principle-the person who falls in love first will be opposite to each other." Passive, the one who loves deeper is prone to pain. To remain undefeated in a love that is doomed to be a scam, all I can do is not love! I don’t love you from the beginning to the end, make sure I won’t get lost in your trap !"

"You are too cruel!" Gong Yueming said in a low voice, "You can treat me like this...I treat you...even if you used it at the beginning, but in the end it's always..."

"I'm sorry, I'm timid, I dare not take risks, I'm afraid that believing you will make me die without a place to bury me."

Su Qiao broke Gong Yueming's hand, turned around, held his face in both hands, and said, "Stop fooling yourself, I'm not a little girl who just met love, and you're not a little boy who just fell in love."

(End of this chapter)

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