I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 717 Chairman of the Imperial Board of Directors

Chapter 717 Chairman of the Imperial Board of Directors (5)

"No, the earrings are very clean," said the policewoman. "The owner of the earrings is Mr. Li Jian'an. His secretary told us that the chairman asked him to give these earrings to Miss Mo."

"Then why are you still looking for me?"

Su Qiao looked confused.

The policewoman said: "It's like this. Mr. Li Jian'an felt very painful when he learned that the earrings you gave him were transferred to the traffic police station. He was hospitalized with a cerebral hemorrhage. He hopes that you can take time out of your busy schedule to visit him in the hospital. He won't force you to do anything."

"But he gave me such an expensive gift, which is a kind of coercion." Su Qiao said, "He has the freedom to like me, and I also have the freedom to reject his courtship."

"As a woman, I understand what you think, Ms. Mo, but Mr. Li Jian'an has made a lot of investment for our city, and even set up a foundation for the children of our colleagues who died in the line of duty to study. I saw that he had a heart attack because of you—"

"That is to say, you must make me take this trip?"

Su Qiao interrupted the policewoman's chatter.

The policewoman showed a helpless expression.

The male policeman said: "Miss Mo, if you don't want to, we won't force you, it's just—"

"Threatening me?" Su Qiao asked back.

The male policeman said: "That's not what it means. We just think that Mr. Li was hospitalized because Ms. Mo refused the gift. Mr. Li once gave us a lot of support, whether it was out of human affection or morality—"

"Sorry, I'm not interested in sacrificing my precious time for your favor and morality."

Su Qiao stood up and looked outside: "I should go! I can't let the whole crew wait for me alone!"

"But Miss Mo, Mr. Li really wants to see you, his feelings for you—"

Su Qiao turned her head and smiled slightly at the policewoman: "I don't like him, and I will definitely say something to make his illness worse when I see him! If you really regard him as an important benefactor, you should definitely not Force me to meet him!"

"...Miss Mo, you are as ruthless as the rumors say!"

The female policeman was very angry, and the male policeman also looked indignant.

Su Qiao didn't bother to pay attention to them, and walked out of the rest area on her high heels.


Outside the door, the assistant Xiao Jin finally waited for her, hurried forward and said, "Xiaobao has a high fever! It looks a bit like hand-mouth-foot disease!"

"Then what are you still doing in a daze, send him to the hospital quickly!"

"But the hospital has to provide children for admission... We don't have any... What if the hospital secretly calls the police as a human trafficker... I don't care, but you, boss, will be implicated! At that time, the media will make random hype... "

Xiaojin looked melancholy.

Su Qiao was also in a dilemma immediately.

She walked back and forth repeatedly with her chin in her hands, suddenly raised her head and saw Gu Hai passing by humming a little tune, she suddenly had an idea in her mind!
"You—come here!"

When Gu Hai heard his aunt's words, he hurried over honestly, with a cautious expression on his face: "Auntie, do you need my help?"

Su Qiao said: "Xiaobao is sick, it may be hand-mouth-foot disease, and needs to be sent to the hospital immediately."

"It's easy to send to the hospital, I'll drive you there right away!"

Gu Hai took out the car keys, fearing that Su Qiao would be unhappy, he made a small report in front of Gong Yueming through Chengluo.

Su Qiao grabbed his collar and said, "I didn't just find you to drive."


Gu Hai squeezed out an honest expression.

Su Qiao said: "Children need to bring their health card when they see a doctor, but you know we don't have that."

(End of this chapter)

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