Chapter 718 Inhumans

"This is indeed a trouble." Gu Hai echoed.

Su Qiao said: "So I want to send the child to your research institute and let the people in the research institute treat him."


Gu Hai opened his mouth wide.

Su Qiao said, "Why, is it okay if you don't like it?"

Gu Hai smiled wryly and said, "The research institute is full of old monsters. They are experts at dissecting living people. If you see a doctor... I'm worried that Xiaobao will be treated as a test object by them and injected with a lot of strange things."

"Then it's better to live with the hand-mouth-foot disease and die here!"

Su Qiao gave her assistant Xiao Jin a look, Xiao Jin carried the child over and carefully handed it over to Gu Hai.

Gu Hai wanted to refuse at first, but when he saw the child's pitiful appearance, he suddenly softened his heart and said, "Okay, I'll try it out! Whether I can survive in the end depends on how big he is!"

Hearing this, Su Qiao took off the ring inlaid with gemstones polished by the relics of eminent monks that Young Master Yu had given her, wrapped the platinum necklace around the child's neck, and said, "Xiaobao, this gemstone is a must!" The relic of the Taoist eminent monk can dispel evil spirits, and with it by your side, you will be safe and sound."

Gu Hai showed a speechless expression, he is a pure scientist and doesn't believe in such mysterious things.

After silently praying, Su Qiao asked Gu Hai to take Xiao Bao away, and returned to the set to continue working.


In the middle of the night, Su Qiao was lying on the bed, unable to fall asleep no matter what.

The pitiful appearance of Xiaobao suffering from hand-mouth-foot disease and the fist-sized baby stuffed by Gongzi Yu appeared repeatedly in front of her, her heart was in a mess and her blood was surging.

"What's wrong with me? The demon is attacking again?!"

Su Qiao, who couldn't sleep after tossing and turning, got up and turned on the light, trying to pour herself a glass of cold water to moisten her throat, but——

Click!The light did not come on.

Another "click" and the light still didn't come on.

There is an unsettling sweetness flowing in the darkness, and it is dull as if a shower is coming, and the vague restlessness reminds people of the sea at high tide.


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Evil voices keep ringing out for amazing creepiness.

Su Qiao couldn't help curling her legs and leaning against the corner, her breathing was short, and she didn't dare to move.

That thing was still approaching, Su Qiao was so frightened that she was out of breath, hugged the quilt and shouted nervously: " are you! Why do you keep staring at me! Why...won't let me go !"

"... Sis..."

The sound like a snake spitting out a letter sounded again, and Su Qiao was so frightened that her hairs stood on her head, feeling like she was on the verge of collapse!
What is this...

Who... who will save me!

Her eyes widened in fear, the thing in the darkness was slowly unfolding its form, the dark translucent body——

The fear of death gripped her neck, and Su Qiao felt that she could hardly breathe.

Today, I guess I'm going to die here...

Just thinking about it, suddenly——

The glass is broken!

The night breeze lifted the curtains, and the watery moonlight entered the room. The dull and strange air was instantly refreshed. Su Qiao turned her head and saw Young Master Yuzheng looking at her nervously outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

"Are you all right!" he said.

Su Qiao nodded with tears in her eyes and said, "I'm fine, nothing at all."

"That's good."

The man walked into the room, hugged Su Qiao, and said, "I was really scared to death just now."

"What happened just now?" Su Qiao asked, and her intuition told her that Young Master Yu saw non-human matter.

Young Master Yu looked in front of his eyes, and there was a crimson paper crane on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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