I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 755 Undeterred

Chapter 755 Undeterred (5)

"But I became cannon fodder." Su Qiao said irritably, "By the way, what happened to the diamond necklace? It was given to me by my godfather, why..."

"The necklace is indeed from the Li family. Li Jianan gave it to your godfather, and your godfather gave it to you. But she is petty, thinking that her husband took the necklace and pretended to give it to a woman. Seeing you wearing it The necklace makes me feel that my guess is justified."

"That's what happened."

Su Qiao suddenly realized.

Mrs. Zuo said: "I really don't know how to explain it to her. Seeing the former good sisters fall into such a situation step by step, I feel even more hated..."

"The necklace has been returned, I hope she can stop for a while."

Su Qiao didn't think this woman would end there.

Mrs. Zuo saw that she had forgiven her best friend, and said a few casual words before continuing to greet the guests.

Su Qiao watched her leave, and said to Long Nan, "Mrs. Zuo really has good intentions."

"Where is the good intention? Why can't I see it?"

Long Nan didn't understand the women's open and secret struggles, and looked at him in a daze.

Su Qiao said: "The woman just now is not a real noble lady, she was hired to ask for a necklace."

"How do you know? Where did you see it?"

Long Nan asked curiously about the baby.

Su Qiao said: "Look at her hands and neck. If you are really wealthy, you will never miss the maintenance of these two areas, but her skin on these two areas is very ordinary."

"You observe carefully." Long Nan said.

Su Qiao said: "Who asked me to mix in the entertainment industry? If my eyes are not sharp enough, I will easily be fooled by fake investors."

"But that knowledge will come in handy here too..."

Long Nan felt a little drunk.

Su Qiao said: "The world is so big, there are so many wonders."

Long Nan said, "Do you need to find out their details?"

Su Qiao smiled and said, "Give Mrs. Zuo some face, and stop investigating this matter."

"You mean..."

Long Nan instantly understood Su Qiao's implication.

Su Qiao said: "Actually, I didn't expect Mrs. Zuo to be such a stingy woman in her bones."

Su Qiao glanced around and said to Long Nan: "Godfather and godmother are purely political marriages. Back then, in order to gain power, godfather first sentenced the person he liked to exile, and then married godmother. But godmother I like godfather, even though I know that the other party only regards me as a political display, I still like him."

"This is again..."

Long Nan felt that Mrs. Zuo was also quite pitiful, and fell in love with a strategist.

"Don't feel wronged for her. She has done a lot of things behind her back to punish the women who flirted with her godfather, even men, because her godfather is bisexual."

Su Qiao's smile was cold.

When Long Nan heard this, she immediately felt that Mrs. Zuo was pitiful and had something to hate.

"But what does this have to do with you? She won't doubt your relationship with her husband..."

Su Qiao said: "Suspicious woman, what can you not think of? What's more, I have the actual record of seducing the grandson of the palace's parents."

"That's right!" Long Nan agreed.

Su Qiao said: "There is no woman in this circle who is clean and without black spots. Just bear with it! After all, it is a standard activity."

Long Nan felt that Su Qiao had wronged herself a bit.

Su Qiao said: "Don't feel unfair for me, I stayed here to watch Gong Yueming and Song Ronger's jokes, not for anything else."

"You really are..."

Long Nan felt a burst of pain.

Su Qiao pretended not to see his helplessness, and took the initiative to walk into the dance floor.

(End of this chapter)

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