I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 756 Undeterred

Chapter 756 Undeterred (6)

On the dance floor, Song Rong'er had just finished dancing with a gentleman, and was biting her lips looking forward to meeting Gong Yueming. Unfortunately, Gong Yueming politely finished the first dance and left directly. Going to the study to discuss state affairs made Song Rong'er feel aggrieved.

At this time, Su Qiao appeared behind her.

"You look very unhappy," she said, "Have you been thrown off by Major General Gong again?"

"What are you doing! Vixen!"

Song Rong'er was furious when she saw Su Qiao.

Now that Su Qiao also gets angry when she sees Song Rong'er, it's fine to grab a man with her, she has long since given up on this man!But this woman even wanted to take away her own face and identity. She really didn't know what she owed Song Rong'er in her previous life, and she had to repay it in this life!

"It's true that I don't do my business," she said as calmly as possible, "but seeing you put on the face and identity of Queen Su and make such a mess of things, I can't help it!"

"So what! I am Su Qiao's rebirth, what are you!"

Song Rong'er was so involved in the drama that she insisted that she was Su Qiao.

Su Qiao sneered and said, "You are really the rebirth of Queen Su? Then why does the lover of Queen Su's previous life like me now? People who once had a crush on Queen Su still like me now?"

When Song Rong'er heard this, her heart skipped a beat.

"...you...what the hell are you! Who are you! Who are you!"

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you are not Su Qiao, you are a counterfeit! Even if you copy all of Su Qiao's memory, face, and character, you are still Song Rong'er, not Su Qiao, and you can't get any love. The heart of Su Qiao's man. Because liking is the attraction at the soul level! And what you have is just a poor copy!"

After speaking, Su Qiao turned and left.

Song Rong'er was so suddenly and sharply attacked that she even lost the desire to breathe. Standing helplessly on the dance floor, she suddenly felt so humble and so ridiculous.

But, just give up like this?
She touched her face, which had endured tens of thousands of knives in order to save the man, and then looked up at Su Qiao's merciless back, and Gong Yueming, who had already walked out of sight, feeling the pain of being abandoned by the whole world.

Why!Obviously it's me... I...


Walking to the balcony, Su Qiao let out a soft breath.

When she confronted Song Rong'er just now, she was actually more nervous than Song Rong'er, and she almost couldn't hold on to the scene.

Fortunately, she carried it and let Song Rong'er's dignity fall to the ground.

Thinking of Song Rong'er's mood at the moment, Su Qiao showed a smug smile: Song Rong'er, you use my face to grab my man and it makes me uncomfortable, so I'll make you ten times more uncomfortable by saying that men don't love you!
When I was proud, there was one more person behind me.

Su Qiao didn't turn around.

He was the only man who would appear behind him at such a time without saying a word.

"Did you come here to vent your anger on Song Rong'er?" Su Qiao asked, "Don't worry, I won't blame you, because I don't love you long ago."

"Don't love me? Have you ever loved me!"

Gong Yueming's voice was full of red-hot anger.

Su Qiao was speechless, turned around, and said, "If I never loved you, why did I do it with you? Again and again! Men can play with women they don't like purely for venting, but women... women's body and spirit are connected Let's face the man we don't like together..."

(End of this chapter)

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