I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 778 Who is the child's father

Chapter 778 Who is the child's father (2)

"What if it is? What if it isn't?"

Long Nan asked Gong Qianming back.

"If yes, the Gong family will not let the direct lineage flow out; if not, the child was conceived after divorce, the Gong family...the Gong family has nothing to say..."

There was a bit of fatigue in Gong Qianming's eyes.

Long Nan looked at Su Qiao: "Miss, you..."

"The child has nothing to do with the Gong family." Su Qiao said, "He is my child! He is a child of the Long family! His surname is destined to be Long and not Gong in this life!"

"So, he is really a rabbit's child!"

Gong Qianming looked at the two, but in fact they were not two at all.

Su Qiao was flustered by his words, and hurriedly said: "You think too much, the child has nothing to do with you! He is my child, a child of the Long family, and his father and mother are both named Long! "

"But he is also from the Gong family! Because you are from the Gong family!"

Gong Qianming began to be unreasonable.

Su Qiao was in a panic.

She said: "No! That's not the case! You're thinking too much! This child of mine is indeed from the Long family! If you don't believe me, you can do a DNA test after the child is born! I'm afraid you don't have the guts to wait until that day! "

"Qiaoqiao! You!"

Gong Qianming was speechless by her stubbornness.

Seeing that he was irritated by herself, Su Qiao immediately gained courage and said, "Sorry, I can't give you the answer you want. But my child was conceived after divorce. As you said before, after divorce The Gong family has nothing to say about the child they are pregnant with!"

"But my nephew has something to say! I have something to say! Especially to you! You...you..."

Gong Qianming grabbed Long Nan's collar, staring with one eye, in excruciating pain.

At this moment, he didn't know whether he hated Su Qiao more or Long Nan more in his heart.

Long Nan sensed his contradiction, grabbed his hand holding his neck, and forced him to let go, saying: "The matter is before you, whether you accept it or not, the young lady and I have decided to get married, and even the wedding planning Already please."

"But you... do you have feelings? Is it possible to live a married life after marriage?"

Gong Qianming felt extremely absurd.

Whether Long Nan is gay or just pure, how could he——

Not reconciled, really not reconciled!
Long Nan looked into his eyes that were about to spit fire, and said quietly: "This is our business, it has nothing to do with you, and you don't need to worry about us."


Gong Qianming's anger was blazing, and the veins on the back of his hands exploded!
He was almost out of control.

"You have to give me an explanation!"

Pointing at Long Nan's nose, he shouted angrily: "Not only to me, but also to the Gong family, and even to Qiao Qiao, who is going to be your wife soon! Are you cheating on marriage! Are you married in person! talk!"

"Marriage is what you want. No one can force me to marry someone I don't want." Su Qiao said slowly, "I know what his situation is, and I also know that you have had a physical relationship, but I Don't care, he also promised me that after marriage, he will be a qualified husband and a competent father."

"But he didn't—"

"You are wrong. Sexual orientation can be changed." Su Qiao said, "Ah Nan likes men not because of genes, but because of his childhood shadow. As long as he overcomes the pain in his heart, he will be able to have straight sex normally." Male. He is not the kind of person you think, he has no obligation to accompany you, a vagabond, for half your life, and end up alone forever!"

(End of this chapter)

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