I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 779 Who is the child's father

Chapter 779 Who is the child's father (3)

"Do you think my existence has made Long Nan unhappy?"

Because of Su Qiao's words, Gong Qianming's attitude also changed.

Su Qiao said: "Do you have a future together? Don't deceive yourself! Ah Nan has no feelings for you at all. He is with you purely because of the needs of his body! Women will become more and more attached to a man because of their body." Obsessed, but man... once the body loses its passion, it's just disgust and vomiting."


Gong Qianming never expected that the just act of coming to the door to seek justice for his nephew turned into a denunciation meeting for scumbags halfway through!And the scumbag who was condemned was himself.

Su Qiao looked at Gong Qianming quietly, and said, "Don't lie to yourself anymore! You are just new to Anan for a while, you don't love him at all, and it is impossible to give him any future. While you can still get away now, everyone Let each other go! Don't wait until it's too late to realize - it was all wrong!"

"No! Impossible!" Gong Qianming insisted, "It is absolutely impossible between us—"

"It's absolutely impossible to have a future," Long Nan said, "People like me are not qualified to enjoy the future, and you—have been ignorant for so many years, and you don't even know what the future is."

Gong Qianming was stunned by Long Nan's words.

He has never been so frustrated and powerless as he is today.

"So in your eyes, I'm a scum that can't give anyone happiness!"

Tears were brewing in his eyes, but a man would not flick his tears lightly, even if his heart ached like a knife, he had to hold back.

Seeing the sparkle in Gong Qianming's eyes, Long Nan smiled wryly and said, "Look, if you can give me happiness, why do you still cry? You already know what kind of existence you are... Go back! Today's Just pretend it never happened and give each other a chance, okay!"

"Not good!" Gong Qianming said arrogantly, "What I want——"

"One of the things that the Gong family wants has already died, and the other has never lived!"

Su Qiao spoke quietly, and made a gesture of seeing off the guests.

Gong Qianming is not a reckless man who doesn't know how to advance or retreat, she also knows that it is useless to say anything now, the person Gong Yueming loves has long since died, and the person she loves has never lived!

"...Are you sure everyone will end like this?"

He asked the last time, with strong unwillingness.

Su Qiao smiled: "Sure, sure, and sure!"


"No but, never but..."

Su Qiao said with a wry smile, pointing her finger out: "Uncle, please don't consume the last bit of respect I have for you! You are the only palace family member I haven't hated so far."

Hearing this, Gong Qianming knew that everything was irreversible, so he could only lower his head, and said with a wry smile, "I wish you happiness and a happy marriage for a hundred years", then turned and left!

Looking at his almost tragic back, Su Qiao felt an iron-like pain in her heart.

"...I have only one sentence that is correct in what I said just now. I really... have never lived..."

Seeing her face about to cry, Long Nan hurriedly said: "But I like you! Don't feel that your existence is—"

"Do I care what they think! I just feel a little tired of letting go..."

The seemingly unrestrained smile can't cover the sigh in my heart. Perhaps, this is the price I'm willing to pay.

Su Qiao thought to herself, vowing that no matter what happens to the Gong family in the future, she will never look back!
(End of this chapter)

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