I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 798 Oscar Awards Ceremony

Chapter 798 Oscar Awards Ceremony (5)

Gong Qianming's eyes immediately turned warm.

He saw Su Qiao's face in the cast members of "Desert Bride" flashed by the camera, and he thought of the Asian female producer mentioned repeatedly in the crew interview about "Desert Bride" he watched yesterday. With this word, I can't help but look forward to the Oscar Awards Ceremony giving the crew more opportunities to be on stage.

"No wonder someone threatened me with a gun and let me watch the Oscar dinner. It really was a special surprise."

Gong Qianming muttered to himself.

Five years ago, he brought Gong Yueming's confession to the airport to try to get Su Qiao back, but before he even finished the confession, he was knocked out by the dragon team, so that he could only regretfully tell Gong Yueming: I will go to the airport. It was late, and the plane had already taken off when I arrived.

In the next five years, Gong Yueming never once mentioned Long Jiuzhong or Qiaoqiao's name, nor did he go on a blind date or even marry Song Ronger or any woman of the same class. It is also a maximum of three times a year: once in the new year, and once on the birthday of the father and mother.

Gong Qianming couldn't maintain Gong Yueming's calmness. He had been inquiring about their whereabouts all the time. For this reason, he deliberately went back to country M to serve as the chief military officer of the embassy.

The strange thing is that after Long Jiuzhong and his daughter returned to country M, they were like Jiaolong returning to the ocean, and there was no news at all!
Even the famous dragon group disappeared overnight!
Instead, there are small forces and small organizations one after another.

Where did the dragon group go?

Where did Long Jiuzhong's father and daughter go?

In the past five years, Gong Qianming has been searching continuously, but until today he vaguely touched the threshold.


He recorded every audience shot of the Oscar dinner, hoping to find the person he was looking for from these blurred shots!

After Gong Yueming dealt with the pirates, when he went back to his room to wash his hands, he saw Gong Qianming's phone message.

He frowned after listening, puzzled: "What does this mean?"

At this time, Lin Zhengyi walked into the room and asked Gong Yueming, "Sir, the battlefield has been cleared. There are 320 pirates in total, 13 of them were killed on the spot, and the remaining nine are willing to be prisoners and request to enjoy the treatment under the international treaty."

"When they robbed merchant ships, why didn't they think about giving the captured crew members international treaty?"

Gong Yueming didn't intend to follow the international practice, he said: "You can treat ordinary crew members as they do to them! Do you understand!"


Lin Zhengyi walked out of the room.

Gong Yueming turned the phone, and the impetuousness in his heart turned again.

Is it...

no!I can not……

Pride and longing entangled deep inside, eventually becoming——

He turned on the live video of the Oscar Awards Ceremony. The awards ceremony was drawing to a close, and the most important Best Picture Award was about to be awarded.

After the host Datong's humorous lines, the award-winning film was announced, and it turned out to be——

"Congratulations to the "Desert Bride" women's army, your hard work and attention are not in vain, congratulations! Your strength and unyielding and attention to women's rights in marginalized society not only moved the audience, but also made our judges feel that they can no longer enjoy men The privilege of...yes! The best picture of the year is - have the producers of "The Desert Bride" take the stage to accept the award!"

The whole venue became enthusiastic, all the stars applauded desperately, the camera drifted, and the stars who advocated women's rights and charity stood up and warmly embraced the crew members of "Desert Bride".

Gong Qianming and Gong Yueming in front of the screen were stunned.


(End of this chapter)

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