I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 799 Oscar Awards Ceremony

Chapter 799 Oscar Awards Ceremony (6)

All along, the recipient of the Oscar for best picture is the producer of the film, and this time will be no exception.

When Su Qiao heard the news of winning the award, although it was expected, she was inevitably moved to tears.

Amid the weeping and hugging crowd, she stood up, shook hands with the congratulators along the road, and walked up to the podium with tears in her eyes.

The host naturally didn't miss any chance to moles others, not to mention that the recipient was a beautiful Asian woman.

After the usual acceptance speech, he smiled and asked Su Qiao: "I heard that Ms. Lisa used to be a leader in the entertainment circle of country A six years ago. She endorsed top perfumes, and the movies she participated in also won Cannes and Golden Bear awards. ...Can you tell us why you gave up your thriving acting career in country A and came to country M as an investor and producer?!"

"Because I know I don't have enough acting talent," Su Qiao said with a smile, "When I first entered the industry, I once told my lovers that I only have one goal in life, to become the best actress in the Oscars. But I soon realized that this dream of mine was too naive. I had witnessed too much gender injustice, and I found out that I didn’t have the talent to be an actress, and I also discovered that becoming an actress is not my real dream. Yes , My real dream is that women all over the world have the same rights as men, and persecutions like honor killings will never happen again."

"So you made this powerful movie! Are you calling on women to take up arms and fight men!"

After all, the host is a man, even if it is teasing, it is inevitably from a man's point of view.

Su Qiao smiled and said: "Women's rights have not come to this day by shouting slogans. The armed struggle in "Desert Bride" is a choice that women have to make under the special situation of extreme oppression. I love peace and do not want all Most struggles are fought with weapons, but if they cannot be won peacefully, then -- violence is an option."

"You are such a special woman! No matter what, I want to congratulate you, congratulations to all of you! I hope the world you are looking forward to can come soon!"

The host encouraged him politely, and after hugging Su Qiao, he started the next show.

Su Qiao returned to her seat and let out a long breath: "Sure enough, I haven't stood on the stage for five years, and I'm nervous when I speak..."

"Even if you are an award-winning professional, you will still be too nervous to speak when you get the best film." Ximen said, "After all, this is the most influential film award in the world, which is equivalent to the Nobel of the film industry."

"Did I behave in a panic just now..."

Su Qiao took out her mobile phone and wanted to use the mirror to see her current appearance, but saw that the phone was full of congratulatory calls and messages.

"I didn't expect them to pay attention to Oscar..."

Su Qiao muttered, she saw the names of Zuo Quanyue and other political and business celebrities in country A in the congratulatory call list.

"He is a thousand-year-old fox. Ever since he knew that a film invested by Asians was shortlisted for the best picture segment, he asked the secretary to ask me for your number. Of course, he didn't know that Lisa is your English name."

As a top international broker, Ximen's connections are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Su Qiao listened to his explanation, she didn't mind immediately, she smiled lightly, and said, "Sure enough, it's the old fox... It's okay... It's a pity that I was too nervous when I spoke just now... I couldn't attack the egomaniacs of the Gong family by the way. ..."

(End of this chapter)

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