I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 907: Intense Pursuit

Chapter 907: Intense Pursuit (2)

"It doesn't matter, I like you enough."

Song Mingzhe was obviously determined to pursue her.

Su Qiao said: "Why do you pursue me? What is it about me that is worth your pursuit? Beauty? Status? Wealth? Or - the identity of Gong Yueming's wife?"

Song Mingzhe said with a smile: "All of the above are correct, plus one more - after you catch up with me, Gong Yueming will honestly marry my sister."

"Sure enough, you did all this for your sister."

Su Qiao looked at Song Mingzhe helplessly: "How many years are you going to protect her?"

Song Mingzhe said: "She is my sister, and her happiness is very important to me."

"Are you a younger sister?" Su Qiao asked back.

Song Mingzhe said: "Before I met you, I was a sister-in-law. After I met you, I gained another attribute——"

"What attribute? Human control? Or..."

"Pretty control."

Song Mingzhe replied slyly, and asked the waiter to serve them.

Su Qiao noticed that when they were talking, they were the only couple left in the entire restaurant.

"You're booked out again."

Song Mingzhe said: "Because I want to give you the best."

"But you're not the one I want."

Su Qiao said with a half-smile, and cut a piece of steak.

"I don't like my current life," she said. "Beef that costs [-] pounds in a boutique and beef that costs [-] pounds a pound in a vegetable market have the same ingredients in my opinion."

"I think so too, but the public seems to think that the former tastes better. Perhaps, what they eat is the taste of style and money," Song Mingzhe echoed Su Qiao, "but women are different, they also eat carbohydrates , but different women can make men feel different worlds. You are beautiful and worthy of the beauty of the Gong family."

"Thank you for the compliment, although I think I deserve it."

Su Qiao is not modest.

But Song Mingzhe also likes her immodestness.

"You are really special. How can there be such a special woman in the world? This is probably the No. 11 mystery comparable to the top ten unsolved mysteries."

He raised the champagne and said, "Cheers to your mystery!"

"To your fickleness too, cheers!"

Su Qiao replied coldly.

Song Mingzhe smiled: "Thank you for your evaluation of me, I am willing to take it to the ends of the earth."

Su Qiao said, "How are you going to prove your love for me?"

"How about helping you become close friends with the president and let him honor you?"

Song Mingzhe's expression was subtle.

Su Qiao said: "No, I want you to give me three gifts, three gifts delivered to my heart! As long as the three times are satisfied, I will marry you."

"You know how to ask for a price," Song Mingzhe said, "It is stated in advance that such absurd demands as exchanging one condition for a hundred conditions are not allowed."

Su Qiao smiled slightly and said, "Am I that vulgar?"

"You're not vulgar, you're just cunning."

Song Mingzhe said with a smile.

Su Qiao said, "Thank you for the commendation."

Then they clinked glasses again.

Su Qiao said: "That's it, the president's close friend is the first gift you gave me."

"A word is settled!"

Afterwards, the two left the restaurant separately. Before leaving, Song Mingzhe suddenly grabbed her, pulled her into his arms, kissed her hard, and said, "This is the deposit."

"You are very knowledgeable."

Su Qiao didn't refuse his kiss, but took out a tissue after the kiss, wiped her lips lightly, and said, "You don't mind? After all, I'm already the mother of the child."

Song Mingzhe said: "Why do you mind? I just like the way you are reluctant and have to obey me!"

(End of this chapter)

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