I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 908: Intense Pursuit

Chapter 908: Intense Pursuit (3)

Su Qiao returned to the car, and there was another person in the co-pilot seat.

"When did you come here?"

"Just now, when you were making out with him."

The man said sourly, then turned around: "Why? Why do you want to..."

"I don't want to have anything to do with Gong Yueming anymore."

"Then you shouldn't—you know who the Song family is! They use all means for their ends! Could it be that just because he is a wealthy family, you should take the initiative to join him? What's so good about a wealthy family? You haven't suffered enough from a wealthy family. !"

He Sheng didn't understand what Su Qiao was thinking.

Su Qiao said: "I know better than anyone else the pains and benefits of rich families."

"Then you still-"

He Sheng was very sad.

Su Qiao said, "I need him just like I need you."

"You need me? What use do I have for you to worry about?"

He Sheng's tone was mocking.

Su Qiao said, "Can you arrange an interview for me? The kind that is more politically mainstream, not purely a fashion magazine for women."

"What do you want an exclusive interview for?!"

He Sheng is wary.

Su Qiao said: "I plan to go into politics and start building momentum from now on."

"You...you know what you're talking about!"

He Sheng was so frightened that his voice trembled.

Su Qiao said: "I have been sober, sober. Believe me, I have not been used by anyone."


"help me!"

Su Qiao looked at him earnestly.

He Sheng stepped back and said, "Okay, I'll try my best, I can't guarantee if I can succeed!"

After speaking, he got out of the car.

Su Qiao leaned against the car seat, silent.


Preparations for the wedding are heavy, but Ou Zifan cares more about Su Qiao's political plans.

"You really want to get involved in politics? Do you know that politics and entertainment are two completely different worlds?"

"I know, but I still want it," Su Qiao said, "Wealth without political backing is a castle in the air, and I can't let Su Su live in such fear."

"But you——if you just don't want to live under the shadow of power, you can definitely remarry Gong Yueming. The Gong family will accept you for Susu's sake, and you can become the top of the political circle in one go. Struggle step by step, too tired!"

Ou Zifan's opinion is very sincere.

Su Qiao said: "This is not what I want. I don't want alms from the Gong family, I want to go up by myself."

"Then you'll be miserable!"

Ou Zifan grabbed Su Qiao's hand, he wanted to dispel the woman's stupidity and stubbornness.

Su Qiao shook her head and said: "Relying on the Gong family will cause me pain. My current status is very embarrassing. I have many honors, and each honor can make me the focus of the public and the political capital of men. But they were originally It's mine! Why share it with men?!"

Su Qiao obviously has made up her mind and doesn't accept other people's opinions.

Ou Zifan was very powerless.

"Once you participate in the election, you will be tortured by countless scandals and gossips, your past will be dug out, and your life will become transparent. Not only will you not be able to protect Susu, but you will also involve him in right and wrong! "

"I know, but I have to."

Su Qiao is very persistent.

Ou Zifan was very powerless.

"Have you thought about Susu? He is only four years old! Can he accept this kind of life! Every day he is chased by the media asking 'Why don't you have a father', 'Who is your father', 'Your mother is going to find you a What kind of new dad'...things like that!"

"Susu is a precocious child, he doesn't care, he knows how to deal with it." Su Qiao said.

(End of this chapter)

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