I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 914 Susie's Wedding

Chapter 914 Susie's Wedding (5)

"I see, that's a sad story. Then you think you may still..."

"Absolutely impossible." Su Qiao said, "Absolutely, absolutely impossible!"

"I'm sorry to make you feel uncomfortable."

After the host finished apologizing, she received a few more advertising calls. Su Qiao answered in a standard manner without leaving any loopholes.

When they bid farewell to the host, they both smiled.

"It's a pleasure to work with you." The host said, "I hope you can make more exciting movies soon."

Su Qiao said: "I hope so, although I have no plans for the future at all."


On the way back to Ou's house, Su Qiao received a call from Gong Yueming.

"Why don't you give me face on purpose! What do you want..."

"Why should I give you face? You have already betrayed me and become someone else's husband. Why do I have to bear with you and hold you up to make you feel that you are the number one existence in the world? Gong Yueming, I can bear it until now Not telling the truth is definitely my greatest kindness!"

"Did I ever ask you not to tell the truth?"

Gong Yueming was obviously very proud.

Su Qiao said: "Okay, I'll tell the media tomorrow and let everyone's reputation be ruined!"

"you dare!"

Gong Yueming was very angry.

If their marriage is exposed, it will not have much impact on Gong Yueming's future, but Su Qiao's future will become unacceptable, let alone other things.

"You've already driven me to the point of no return, what else can I do?"

Su Qiao looked out the window and said, "The only thing I can be 100% sure about right now is that I don't love you."

Then, she took the initiative to hang up the phone.

Gong Yueming was silent.

There are three candid photos by his hand, the protagonists are Su Qiao and Song Mingzhe.They entered the restaurant together, ate, talked happily, and when they left-


His self-esteem began to ache.

"Why is it like this!" He pressed his temple and said, "Why did it become like this!"

"Because she has given up loving you. She just wants revenge on you now! As long as it can make you suffer, she will do anything!"

Deep in his heart, the voice of the devil resounded through the sky.

But the angel's side is also trying to grab his rationality: "No! She still likes you, she just can't bear the harm you have done to her! She still loves you! You have to have confidence in her."

The devil said: "She doesn't love you anymore! Admit it!"

Rationality shouted: "She is still waiting for you, you have to seize the opportunity to treat her well, and you still have a chance to go back to the beginning!"

The contradictory mood made Gong Yueming have a splitting headache. He wished he could find her immediately and tell her that he still loves her, and hoped that she could accept him and give him a chance to start over.


Do you think you can get her forgiveness by kneeling down?
She'll just humiliate you and make you feel like a fool who shouldn't live!
But I want to be with her!This thought is more than any...

Gong Yueming was defeated by his pain.

He never knew that he could like someone to such an extent, and it was the first time he realized that he didn't know anything about Mo Qiaoqiao's past.

He knew that she was Long Jiuzhong's daughter, that she had been hurt by Ou Ying, that Ou Zifan had a crush on her, and that she had excellent relatives, Mo Weiguo and Zhang Caiying... But other than that, he knew nothing about her.

He doesn't know what snacks Mo Qiaoqiao likes to eat, what books to read, what brand of clothes to wear, what drinks she often drinks...

He can recite all her experiences from birth to the present, but he still has nothing about Mo Qiaoqiao's world!
"I finally know where I went wrong..."

He murmured, turn on the computer!

(End of this chapter)

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