I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 915 Susie's Wedding

Chapter 915 Susie's Wedding (6)

The wedding starts on time.

Su Qiao stood in the second row of the church, watching Susie standing outside the church door with a fake smile.

The wedding dress is specially customized by Valentino, which is expensive, but not as expensive as the diamonds hanging around the bride's neck.

Su Qiao heard someone whispering from behind: "Thanks to the Ou family's strict tolerance for meat and vegetables, this kind of woman can actually get married at the door."

"Who made her the younger sister of Queen Su and the director of Huaxing, so what if she hides drugs, Huaxing keeps it!"

Another person is jealous.

At this time, the wedding march played.

Accompanied by distant relatives of the Su family, Su Qian walked slowly across the red carpet and walked to Ou Zifan.

The pastor began the customary questioning.

Ou Zifan answered "Yes" numbly, but Su Qian looked at Su Qiao proudly, and then said to the pastor, "Yes."

So the pastor asked the scene: "Does anyone have any opinions on their combination?"

No one answered.

The pastor asked a second time, but still no one answered.

The pastor raised his hammer, ready to declare them husband and wife without asking a third time.

At this time-

"I have an opinion!"

The man's voice sounded rough, and everyone in the church became excited.

They looked forward to the man who broke in suddenly, hoping that he would stage a bloody plot of "robbing the bride" for everyone.

The man lived up to everyone's expectations and walked up to Susie, grabbed her hand, and said loudly, "You can't marry him!"

"Wow! What kind of development is this? The male third is still—"

Behind Su Qiao, the women who had complained about Su Qian were beaming with excitement.

Susie raised her veil and looked at the man who suddenly appeared with a blank face: "Who are you? Why stop me from getting married!"

"You can't marry him!"

"I don't even know who you are, what right do you have to prevent me from marrying him!"

After all, Susie is the director of Huaxing, and she is full of aura when she speaks.

The man flinched a little, and said whiningly, "If you can't do it, you can't do it!"

"Give me a reason!" Susie said coldly, "Or let the security guard throw you out!"

With her wave, the security guard ran to the man and tried to drag him away.

At this time, Ou Zifan stood up and said, "Sir, why don't you allow me to marry Miss Su? Who are you to her? Boyfriend, or—"

"I am her enemy!"

The man looked at Susie viciously, and said, "Witch, don't think that the events of the year when your sister died can be written off! I have memorized everything!"

The man's words stirred up waves in the peaceful church, and the people became excited. .

"What's going on? I seem to have heard the name of Queen Su?"

"What incredible things did Dong Su do under the name of Queen Su?"

"God, what kind of grievance do they have! They hate it so much!"


Most people don't like others' kindness, and women related to the entertainment industry are even more jealous.After realizing that this matter might have something to do with Su Qiao, who had been missing for more than six years, everyone pricked up their ears.

Su Qiao is also very interested.

She wanted to know where this guy came from, what relationship he had with her, and why he hated Susie so deeply.

Susie looked straight at the man: "Who are you! I'm sorry for you!"

The man said: "You are not sorry for me, but what you have done is more hateful than sorry for me!"

"What's the meaning……"

Susie played dumb again.

The man said: "Foundation matters..."

Susie's complexion changed drastically.

The media people who were invited to the wedding took out their mobile phones one after another.

They know that super headlines are just around the corner.

(End of this chapter)

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